Monday, September 20, 2010

Nico Nico Douga Sept. 20, 2010 Lesson - Beginner --> Advanced

Today is
Day, this is the third
Monday in September
1. He's “a chip off the
old block” means he ~.
a) likes to fight
b) is a nerd
c) is like his father

2. A “dirty old man” is
always thinking about ~.
a) sex
b) sex
c) sex

3. She's an “old flame”. =
She is someone that ~.
a) I used to fight with
b) I used to date
c) I used to go to school with

4. That's “old hat”
means it's ~.
a) it's easy
b) it's boring
c) it's old fashioned

5. She's an “old maid”
means that she ~.
a) is very clean
b) never got married
c) is a good host

6. That's an “old wives
tale” is a story that is ~.
a) believed to be true but isn't.
b) believed to be true and is true.
c) a very old legend.

7. If something is as “old as
the hills” it means that is it ~.
a) just a rumor
b) very old
c) classic

8. You can't teach an old dog
new tricks means that ~.
a) old people can't learn
b) old dogs can't learn
c) new tricks are hard to teach

I guess that old saying
about old dogs is not true.

9. If somebody is “over the hill
that means they are ~.
a) past their prime
b) really old
c) have just become an adult

10. I'm not a “spring
chicken” anymore means ~.
a) I'm not attractive anymore
b) I'm not young anymore
c) I'm not athletic anymore

11. Which of the following is
a slang word for an old man?
a) a geezer
b) pops
c) a dinosaur
d) gramps
e) old fogy
f) old fart

Three absent-minded sisters
Three sisters, aged 81, 83 and 85, live together. One night the 85 year old draws a bath for herself. As she sticks her foot in, she pauses. She yells to her sisters downstairs, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?"
The 83 year old shouts back loudly, "I don't know. Let me come up there and see." She begins walking up the stairs, but then pauses . She yells to her sisters "Was I going up the stairs or down?"
The 81 year old is sitting in the living room, enjoying some tea. She listens to her sisters, shakes her head and mutters to herself, "I sure hope I never get that forgetful. Knock on wood." She then turns and shouts, "I'll come up there and help both of you as soon as I see who's knocking at the door."

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