Wednesday, September 29, 2010

ニコニコ動画 Sept. 26, 2010 Beginner to Advanced Class

1. The Japanese CAUGHT the Chinese CAPTAIN after his BOAT CRASHED into two Japanese coastguard boats.
Replace the capitalized words!

2. Another word for captain is a “skipper”. How many words for “boat” do you know?

3. The Chinese government is ___________ an apology. (Hint: ask for strongly)

3b. Japan is ___________ to apologize.

4. The Japanese government finally LET the skipper GO.
Replace the capitalized words with one word.

5. China wants Japan to PAY the skipper MONEY.
Replace the capitalized words with one word.


6. Translate the following:

7. What are 5 ways to say 連続?

8. Japan and China had a fight.
What are 5 other words for “fight”?


Zombie talk
I apologize for the mistake the other day when I said our next class would be about ZOMBIES. I was just joking.

Here are some easy ZOMBIE jokes:

Q: Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers?
A: No, they eat the fingers separately.

Q: What did the zombie eat after its teeth were all pulled out?
A: The dentist.

1. caught--> arrested/captured
a boat-->a ship, vessel, trawler
to crash-->to collide

2. a ship
a vessel
a trawler

3. demanding

3b. refusing
to refuse to VERB to reject NOUN

4. released

5. compensate

6. Ichiro gets 200 hits for 10 years straight, setting new record

7. 10 years straight
10 years in a row
10 years running
10 consecutive years
10 successive years

8. a quarrel, a dispute,
a row, a squabble, a spat

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