Monday, December 26, 2011

(会員)12月26日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2011 初級 Lesson

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(会員)12月26日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2011

初級 Lesson
Dec. 26, 2011
“help” and “get”

"help" and other verbs

Could/Can you help me clean up my room?
Can SB help SB VERB.
Can you help me VERB?
Can you help me WITH 名詞。
Can you help me with this kanji?

subject = 主語
object = 目的語

I gave Maggie a treat.

direct object
indirect object

I (主語) gave Maggie(間接目的語) a treat (直接目的語).

What about in this case?
I gave you Maggie.

あなたは何をもらったの?=What did you get?

What did you get?
My father gave me new verbs.
I got my brother a new fishing rod.
get is 曖昧=vague
Did you have dinner? Did you eat dinner?
Would you like to drink a beer with me?
Would you like to have a beer with me?
Would you like to have a drink with me?
Don't be distant.
Don't act like a stranger!
I didn't get the chance.
Did you get the chance to VERB?
A: Did you get the chance to VERB?
B: No, I didn't get the chance.

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