Thursday, December 8, 2011

(会員)12月8日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2011

Dec. 8th, 2011 - Int. - Adv. Class

(会員)12月8日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2011

Intermediate to Advanced Class

an alter ego
Clark Kent’s alter ego is Superman.
Who is Peter Parker’s alter ego?
Peter Parker’s alter ego is Spider man.
POW=Prisoner of War
She is the last surviving POW from her hospital.

illegal=against the law

a political party = 党
What news stories are you following?

The flood waters have receded.

I have a slightly receding hairline.
His hairline is receding.
He is completely bald.

Speaking of Thailand....
An American was recently imprisoned in Thailand.
An American was recently jailed in Thailand.
Time out for-->
Funny Expression:
I’m having a bad hair day.
The wires from the lights are tangled up.
Thai court jails U.S. citizen for royal insult
Thailand = Thai
Taiwan = Taiwanese
He defamed the monarchy. (monarcy=king)
to defame= 中傷する

a sentence= 判決、刑罰、処罰、宣告

People are strict.
Punishments are severe.
Weather is severe.
Joe Wichai Commart Gordon was convicted. = to be found guilty

to be convicted a conviction
was convicted of ~ = 有罪判決を受けた
He appeared in court in shackles.

heavy handcuffs=shackles
He pleaded guilty to publishing online a banned biography of King Bhumibol Adulyadej that he translated into Thai.
a biography = a story of sb's life
to serve your time=to just wait in jail until you have finished your sentence

to appeal a sentence=to ask a higher court to look at a case again

He was sentenced to 5 years.
I think he got off light.

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