Thursday, December 8, 2011

(会員)12月7日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2011

First watch:
(会員)12月7日 英会話ライブレッスン録画 2011

Mixed Class: Dec. 7, 2011

Talking about movies before you see them.

1. Have you seen ~ (yet)?

2. No, I haven’t. I haven’t had the chance (yet).

3. I’ve never heard of it.

4. What’s it about?

5. Who’s in it?

6. Who’s the director?/Who directed?

7. What’s the premise?

8. How are the reviews?

9. Where’s it playing/showing?

10. When does it come to Japan?

10B. When is it coming to Japan?

11. When will it open?

12. Do you think it’s worth seeing in the theaters?

12B. Do you think it’s worth seeing on the big screen?

12C. Do you think it’s worth seeing on the silver screen?

Or should I wait for the DVD.

13. I would wait for the DVD if I were you.

14. Let’s go to the movies.

15. Would you like to go to the movies with me?


After you see a movie...

1. He plays a police officer. / He plays a cop.

2. I liked /loved him in that movie.

3. I really liked K.R. in THE LAKEHOUSE.

4. He was great in ~.

5. I like Bill Murray, but he was terrible in RAZOR'S EDGE.

6. I thought he was miscast.

7. He’s a ham.

The end! Thanks for studying with me! If you have any questions, email me!

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