1. a bloke = a
person (UK)
He’s a nice
bloke. = He’s a nice guy.
a fellow = a guy
= a bloke
2. broke = 壊れている
3. I’m broke. = I have no money.
I’m dead broke. I’m flat broke.
4. My car broke down.
5. Negotiations between Iran and Israel
broke down.
6. broken down = 形容詞
He drives an old broken down Toyota. = it
works but it’s in bad shape
7. I’m tired. I need a break.
8. What did you do over summer break?
9. He’s on his coffee break.
10. The weather finally broke.
11. The software crashed.
12. My computer broke.
13. My computer is on the fritz.
My refrigerator is on the fritz.
14. This software is glitchy.
15. What is the difference between “my PC
was broken” and “my PC broke?
a) He was dead. vs. b) He died.
a) He is now alive. A zombie?
b) He died. He is still dead. “Died”
describes an action.
16. I broke my arm. = 腕の骨を折った。
17. She broke my heart.
to break st/sb in = to train it
18. The new horse has to be broken in.
= The new horse has to be taught to accept
a rider.
19. I haven’t broken in my new shoes. They
still hurt.
20. Someone broke
into my house.
There was a
break-in at the office.