Wednesday, September 5, 2012

(会員) Mon. 11pm - 09月03日-Mixed! - Useful & Fun English!

(会員) Mon. 11pm - 09月03日-Mixed! - Useful & Fun English!

Let's review some of last night's fun words:
1. to smash = to hit & make shatter
a) I smashed the window.
b) I'm smashed. = I'm drunk.
c) That song was a smash!=That song was a smash-hit.
d) He was a smashing success.

2. to crush
a) I crushed a can,
b) The Yankees crushed the Red Sox.
c) I have a crush on her. (DOES NOT EQUAL I crushed her.)

3. to smash + to crush = to smush
You're crushing me. = Your pressure is damaging me.
Your smushing me. = You’re pushing into me.

4. to crash
a) I crashed my car.
I totaled  my car. = completely destroyed and cannot be fixed
b) I crashed my car into the tree.
c) The market crashed.
d) Can I crash on your couch?
e) Do you mind if I crash at your place?
f) I’m tired. I’m going to crash.
5. to smudge
a) Be careful with this ink. It's fresh. You might smudge it.
b) There's a smudge on your hands.
c) The writing was so smudged that I couldn’t read it.
d) There was a smudge of lipstick on his collar.

6. to fudge
a) He fudged the numbers.
=He fudged the figures.

7. to blast
a) Did you hear that blast? What was that?
b) I blasted my biceps.
I blasted my thighs.
c) Q. How was the party?
A. It was a blast!

8. to mash = to crush, to grind
a) I mashed the potatoes.
b) I made mashed potatoes.

9. squash
I squashed the cockroach.

10. squelch
I squelched the desire to punch him.
The government tried to squelch the protests.

11. quench
The cold beer quenched my thirst.
My thirst was quenched.

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