Monday, September 10, 2012

Notes for Sunday & Monday Videos, Sept. 9th & 10th!

Sept. 10th video
(It will be uploaded to my Nico Nico channel soon!)

1. a mess / messy
ゴチャゴッチャ= a mess 名詞 noun
My room is a mess.
My life is a mess.
My room is messy.  My life is messy.
I want to fire him, but our relationship is messy.
He was a messy eater. He ate messiliy.
He took a messy bite out of the sandwich.
He bit into the sandwich messily.
My handwriting is messy.

He was dressed slovenly.

His hair was disheveled.

He lived in a run down apartment.

He wore a shabby old coat.

He drove a beat-up old car.
He wore a beat-up old jacket.

He shoes were scuffed up.

His text book was beat up and old.

The knees in your jeans are worn.

2. = dirt / soil / dust / earth
My room is dirty.
That cop is dirty.= He takes bribes.
a bribe = 賄賂

I found some dirt on him. = I learned his bad secret.

3.The soil here is rich.
The soil is perfect for growing plants.
The soil is perfect for growing corn.
The soil is perfect for growing rice.
 The baby soiled his pants.
The baby soiled his diapers
Please change the baby's diapers..
The baby soiled himself.
The baby soiled himself.
評判= reputation

His reputation was soiled.
His reputation was blemished.
His reputation was unblemished.
4. wet dirt = mud
My shoes are muddy.
My car got stuck in the mud.
He is a stick in the mud. = He’s a boring person.
Don’t be a stick in the mud!

to throw mud at  somebody(人)に泥を投げる、(人)をけなす
The candidates threw mud at one another.
The candidates slung mud at one another.
The politicians slung mud at one another.

5. dust
a dust bin = ごみ箱 = a garbage can
dust a room 部屋のほこりをとる[掃除する]
to dust furniture/a room
I dusted the room.
The farmer dusted his fields for insects.
insecticide = 殺虫剤

to dust for fingerprints 指紋採取する

The police dusted for fingerprints.

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