Tuesday, September 25, 2012

(会員) Tuesday 10:30pm - 09月25日 - Int.-Adv.Intermediate

It has finally started to get chilly.
I went jogging and I came across a hearing aid on the ground.
If you are hard of hearing, you can use a hearing aid to help you hear better.
So what do you think I did?
I took it to a nearby police station.
I had to fill out a piece of paper.
I filled in my name.
I had to fill out the form.
I had to fill out the application.
China tells Japan it will not tolerate violations of sovereignty
violation=breaking a law/rule
a threat = 威嚇、脅し
a clear threat
a veiled threat
Sino-Japanese relations = relationship between China and Japan
Will it be the iPad killer? We'll have to wait and see.
The Presidential election is Nov. 6th.
Who are you rooting for?
a battleground state=a swing state

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