(会員)9月29日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random
1. A volcano erupted erupted for the first time in 7 years.
I met Aiko for the first time in 2 years.
I went to the beach for the first time this year.
I went to the beach for the first time this year.
2. 心肺停止 = cardio-respiratory arrest or cardiopulmonary arrest
3. 12 have died and another 27 people have 心肺停止
4. The GoPro Hero 4 will be released in mid October.
5. Unfortunately I don't do anythign that adventurous.
6. The resolution is amazing. picture quality.
7. He is very adventurous. = He is brave and like trying new things!
8. The sound is pretty crappy on GoPro cameras.
9. It's a no-brainer. = an easy decision, a decision that requires no thought
10. brainless = a) stupid, b) requiring no thinking
He is brainless.
That movie is pretty brainless.
Stapling is a pretty brainless job.
11. bonehead = no brain, stupid
12. Stocks close up 0.50%
13. SoftBank mum on reports it is bidding for DreamWorks Animation.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
(会員)9月28日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random
(会員)9月28日(日)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random
1. 気が小さい = He is timid. / He is a timid man.
He is a coward. / He is a wimp. / He is wimpy.
2. Don’t litter. = Don’t throw garbage in the street.
3. I would never do that.
4. I don’t want to get involved.
5. I don't know. = IDK
6. 景色 = scenery, view, landscape
I love watching the scenery go by when I ride the train.
England has beautiful scenery.
The view from my hotel room was magnificent.
7. スリ= a pickpocket
to pickpocket sb / to pickpocket sb’s pocket
He pickpocketed me. / I was pickpocketed.
I was followed by a pickpocket.
I was targeted by a pickpocket.
8. “necessary” is a bit formal and an adjective
That’s not necessary. / It’s necessary. / Politicians are a necessary evil.
9. I need ~. Do you need ~?
10. before / early / fast or quickly
Please come to class 5 minutes before the starting time.
He arrived before me.
He arrived before 9am.
He arrived early.
He is always early.
He’s early.
He’s fast/quick.
11. たばこを毎日一箱吸ていた
I smoked a pack a day.
I used to smoke a pack a day.
I smoked 2 packs (of cigarette) a day.
I was a 2-pack-a-day smoker.
She was a 10-year-old girl at the time.
12. After you! Please go ahead! You go first.
1. 気が小さい = He is timid. / He is a timid man.
He is a coward. / He is a wimp. / He is wimpy.
2. Don’t litter. = Don’t throw garbage in the street.
3. I would never do that.
4. I don’t want to get involved.
5. I don't know. = IDK
6. 景色 = scenery, view, landscape
I love watching the scenery go by when I ride the train.
England has beautiful scenery.
The view from my hotel room was magnificent.
7. スリ= a pickpocket
to pickpocket sb / to pickpocket sb’s pocket
He pickpocketed me. / I was pickpocketed.
I was followed by a pickpocket.
I was targeted by a pickpocket.
8. “necessary” is a bit formal and an adjective
That’s not necessary. / It’s necessary. / Politicians are a necessary evil.
9. I need ~. Do you need ~?
10. before / early / fast or quickly
Please come to class 5 minutes before the starting time.
He arrived before me.
He arrived before 9am.
He arrived early.
He is always early.
He’s early.
He’s fast/quick.
11. たばこを毎日一箱吸ていた
I smoked a pack a day.
I used to smoke a pack a day.
I smoked 2 packs (of cigarette) a day.
I was a 2-pack-a-day smoker.
She was a 10-year-old girl at the time.
12. After you! Please go ahead! You go first.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
(会員)9月25日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random
(会員)9月25日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random
1. I’m in a bad mood.
I’m grumpy.
I’m grouchy.
I’m cranky.
Who pissed in your cereal?
Who pissed in your Cheerios?
Who pissed in your miso soup?
Are you on your period? (dangerous)
Are you on the rag? (dangerous)
That time of the month? (dangerous)
What crawled up your butt and died? (dangerous)
Don’t get angry. = Calm down. = Keep your shirt on.
Don’t get your panties in a bunch. = Don’t get your knickers in a bunch.
Don’t get mad. Get even!
Get even! = Get revenge!
I want revenge! = I want payback!
He is short-tempered.
He’s got a stick up his ass.
He’s got a stick up his ass about his job.
He is touchy about his ex-wife.
He is touchy about his weight.
reinvigorated me
1. I’m in a bad mood.
I’m grumpy.
I’m grouchy.
I’m cranky.
Who pissed in your cereal?
Who pissed in your Cheerios?
Who pissed in your miso soup?
Are you on your period? (dangerous)
Are you on the rag? (dangerous)
That time of the month? (dangerous)
What crawled up your butt and died? (dangerous)
Don’t get angry. = Calm down. = Keep your shirt on.
Don’t get your panties in a bunch. = Don’t get your knickers in a bunch.
Don’t get mad. Get even!
Get even! = Get revenge!
I want revenge! = I want payback!
He is short-tempered.
He’s got a stick up his ass.
He’s got a stick up his ass about his job.
He is touchy about his ex-wife.
He is touchy about his weight.
reinvigorated me
Sunday, September 21, 2014
(会員)9月21日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random
(会員)9月21日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random
I hate Mondays.
TGIF. Thank God It’s Friday!
The discount(ed) section
It was really cheap.
It was dirt cheap!
It was a bargain.
It was a good deal.
It was a steal.
It was on sale. = It was discounted.
I’m addicted to coffee.
I’m an alcoholic.
He likes to avoid bars.
If he goes to a bar he would be tempted to drink.
It’s a temptation.
A: Want to go out tonight?
B: It’s tempting, but I can’t.
Food, coffee, and sex are my vices.
X Food is a vice.
O Overeating is a vice.
Coffee is a gray area.
Sugar is a vice.
Scotland voted to stay in the UK.
Their economy would suffer if they became independent.
She would suffer economically if she got a divorce.
That’s life.
That’s the life! = That’s a great way to live.
Am I being too idealistic?
Women should work and make enough money to live.
In the USA, women get 50% of everything when they get divorced.
alimony = monthly money from your ex-husband or ex-wife
child support and/or spousal support
The media says it’s “nothing” compared to Cruise’s $250 million fortune.
He has to pay child support.
The judge decides who gets custody.
joint custody
The mother gets full custody.
The Hague Convention
(会員)9月19日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Types of people
(会員)9月19日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Types of people
1. a kind of lazy student or worker = a slacker
2. someone who drinks too much = a drunk, a lush, a boozer
3. teetotaler = someone who doesn’t drink at all.
a person who abstains totally from alcoholic drinks
4. someone show smokes a lot of marijuana = a stoner, a pot-head
5. someone who sells drugs = a dealer = a carsalesmen
6. a person who uses meth = a meth addict
メタンフェタミン◆脳内のドーパミン、ノルエピネフィリン、セロトニンのレベルを上げ、精神を高揚させる覚醒剤の代表的なもの。強い依存症状を引き起こすため、ADHDなどの治療薬としてのみ認可されている。1893年に日本の化学者、長井長義がエフェドリンから合成し、1919年に緒方章が結晶メタンフェタミンの合成に成功した。第二次大戦後に旧日本軍の備蓄が覚醒剤として出回り、多くの中毒患者を生み出した。日本語ではシャブという俗語でも呼ばれる。◆【同】methylamphetamine ; N-methylamphetamine ; crystal methamphetamine ; crystal meth ; meth
7. 依存者、中毒者 = an addict, a junkie
8. someone who loves japan = a Japanophile (postive meaning)
9. someone who loves japan = a weaboo (negative meaning)
10. someone who loves England = an Anglophile (postive meaning)
11. someone who loves books = a bookworm
12. someone who loves to do exciting activity = an adrenaline junkie
13. someone who causes problems = a troublemaker
14. someone who introduces couples to each other for romance = a matchmaker
15. Someone who is one of the first to do st in a field = a pioneer
16. a person who commits a crime = a criminal = a perpetrator / a perp
17. a person who helps another person commit a crime = an accomplice
18. a person who sees a crime happening = a witness
19. a person who has no connection but is there by when a crime happens = a bystander
an innocent bystander
20. a person who is walking by when st happens = a passerby
1 passerby, 2 passersby
Thursday, September 18, 2014
(会員)9月18日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -RANDOM Lesson
Channel live broadcast
(会員)9月18日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -RANDOM Lesson
I went to the store.
I went to a concert.
X Car are useful in our society.
O Cars are useful in our society.
I have to go to school.
I have to go to work.
I have to go to jail.
I have to go to prison.
I have to go to university.
I have to go to college.
I have to go to church.
I go to church every Sunday.
I have to go to class.
Why aren't you in class now! Get to class!
I have a class at 11pm.
I have to go to lunch.
I'm sorry, he's not here now. He went to lunch.
I have to go to bed.
Do you have time? 時間ある?
Do you the time? 今何時?
I have to go to THE restroom.
I was bored to death.
Zenji Nojima is the chairman of a gender equality conference.
やじ = jeer, heckle, taunt
to make light of st = 〔物・人を〕おろそかにする、ないがしろにする、なおざりにする、軽く考える、軽んじる、軽視する
My husband makes light of my problems.
My husband makes light of my housework.
My mother made light of my problems.
Australian PM: Public execution terror plot foiled
PM = Prime Minister
public = outside, in front of everyone = 公衆の
execution = 死刑執行、処刑
public execution 公衆の面前での死刑執行、公開処刑
terror plot = テロの陰謀
foiled plot 失敗した[阻止された]陰謀
My plans were foiled. = My plans were ruined by someone.
thwart 阻止する、妨害する、挫折させる
to chop sb's head off = to behead sb
Have a question? Ask me!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
(会員)9月16日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - sickness & injuries
(会員)9月16日(火)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - sickness & injuries
1. I have a cold.
2. I caught a cold.
I caught a cold from SB.
3. SB gave me his cold.
Joe gave me his cold.
4. I think I’m coming down with a cold.
I’m coming down with a cold.
I think I'm coming down with a cold.
5. I have a touch of a cold.
6. I have a slight cold.
7. I have a bit of a cold.
8. I have a fever/temperature.
9. I have a slight fever/temperature.
10. I have a high/bad fever.
11. You’re burning up!
12. I have diarrhea.
I have a bad case of diarrhea.
13. I’m constipated.
I have constipation.
14. BETH’S aches
I have a backache.
I have an earache.
I have a toothache.
I have a headache.
I have a stomachache.
15. My ~ hurts.
16. I am in pain.
17. I’m a little under the weather.
18. I’m not feeling myself today.
19. I broke my arm.
20. I bumped my head.
21. I cut my finger.
22. I burned myself.
23. I stubbed my toe.
I stubbed my toe. つま先をぶつけた。
24. He jammed his finger.
25. I had an operation.
26. You have to get an operation.
I have to get an operation.
27. He underwent an operation.
to undergo an operation
28. He underwent a procedure.
29. The doctor performed the procedure.
30. I’m going under the knife tomorrow!
He went under the knife.
April 3-Action! Beginner! Beth's Aches! 痛い!
1. I have a cold.
2. I caught a cold.
I caught a cold from SB.
3. SB gave me his cold.
Joe gave me his cold.
4. I think I’m coming down with a cold.
I’m coming down with a cold.
I think I'm coming down with a cold.
5. I have a touch of a cold.
6. I have a slight cold.
7. I have a bit of a cold.
8. I have a fever/temperature.
9. I have a slight fever/temperature.
10. I have a high/bad fever.
11. You’re burning up!
12. I have diarrhea.
I have a bad case of diarrhea.
13. I’m constipated.
I have constipation.
14. BETH’S aches
I have a backache.
I have an earache.
I have a toothache.
I have a headache.
I have a stomachache.
15. My ~ hurts.
16. I am in pain.
17. I’m a little under the weather.
18. I’m not feeling myself today.
19. I broke my arm.
20. I bumped my head.
21. I cut my finger.
22. I burned myself.
23. I stubbed my toe.
I stubbed my toe. つま先をぶつけた。
24. He jammed his finger.
25. I had an operation.
26. You have to get an operation.
I have to get an operation.
27. He underwent an operation.
to undergo an operation
28. He underwent a procedure.
29. The doctor performed the procedure.
30. I’m going under the knife tomorrow!
He went under the knife.
April 3-Action! Beginner! Beth's Aches! 痛い!
(会員)9月15日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -aging & NEWS!
(会員)9月15日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -aging & NEWS!
I assumed you all understood why I chose today's topic. Yes?
It’s “Respect for the Aged” Day
1. a spring chicken
You’re no spring chicken.
2. to rob the cradle
I can’t believe he’s dating an 18 year old! Talk about robbing the cradle.
3. an old fogey
4. an old fart
5. an old bag
6. my old man=my dad, or my husband
7. my old lady=my mom, or my wife
8. in one’s early/middle/late 20s/30s/40s/etc.
I’m in my early 20s. He’s in his mid 50s. She’s in her late 80s.
9. to be over the hill
10. He’s getting on (in years).
11. He’s getting up there?
12. a centenarian = sb 100 years old or older
The oldest man is also Japanese, 111-year-old Sakari Momoi.
Somewhat appropriately, one of the Japanese characters in Momoi’s last name means “100.”
13. The silence was deafening.
I live in "Shitamachi" Tokyo and the silence is just deafening.
14. She disappeared. = She went missing.
Now she is missing.
Her parents are frantic.
Her parents are worried to death.
I assumed you all understood why I chose today's topic. Yes?
It’s “Respect for the Aged” Day
1. a spring chicken
You’re no spring chicken.
2. to rob the cradle
I can’t believe he’s dating an 18 year old! Talk about robbing the cradle.
3. an old fogey
4. an old fart
5. an old bag
6. my old man=my dad, or my husband
7. my old lady=my mom, or my wife
8. in one’s early/middle/late 20s/30s/40s/etc.
I’m in my early 20s. He’s in his mid 50s. She’s in her late 80s.
9. to be over the hill
10. He’s getting on (in years).
11. He’s getting up there?
12. a centenarian = sb 100 years old or older
The oldest man is also Japanese, 111-year-old Sakari Momoi.
Somewhat appropriately, one of the Japanese characters in Momoi’s last name means “100.”
13. The silence was deafening.
I live in "Shitamachi" Tokyo and the silence is just deafening.
14. She disappeared. = She went missing.
Now she is missing.
Her parents are frantic.
Her parents are worried to death.
Monday, September 8, 2014
(会員)9月8日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Roadtrip
Channel live broadcast
(会員)9月8日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Roadtrip
The Roadtrip movie
1. I got ~ the bus.
2. I got ~ the train.
3. I got ~ the plane.
4. I got ~ the subway.
5. I got ~ the truck.
6. I got ~ the car.
7. I got ~ the taxi.
8. I got ~ the motorcycle.
I got ~ the bicycle.
9. Fill her up! Fill it up!
10. I’m running ~ on gas.
11. My car stopped because I ran ~ of gas.
12. Go faster! = Hit the ~! or Step on the ~!
13. Hit the road. = to leave
I’ve got to hit the road. = I’ve got to go. ]
14. I ran out of gas. = no more gasoline or no more energy
15. I better gas up. = usually gasoline, but could mean food.
16. I ran out of steam. = no more energy
17. I have gas. = stomach gas
18. He passed gas. = fart
19. That car is a gas guzzler.
20. He guzzled his beer.
21. I’m running on fumes.
continuing to do something when you have almost no energy left After two straight games against top teams, the Tigers were running on fumes and lost on Saturday night.
22. A gas station.
a self-serve gas station
23. I’m out of fuel.
I have fuel.
I need to put some fuel in the tank.
(会員)9月8日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Roadtrip
The Roadtrip movie
1. I got ~ the bus.
2. I got ~ the train.
3. I got ~ the plane.
4. I got ~ the subway.
5. I got ~ the truck.
6. I got ~ the car.
7. I got ~ the taxi.
8. I got ~ the motorcycle.
I got ~ the bicycle.
9. Fill her up! Fill it up!
10. I’m running ~ on gas.
11. My car stopped because I ran ~ of gas.
12. Go faster! = Hit the ~! or Step on the ~!
13. Hit the road. = to leave
I’ve got to hit the road. = I’ve got to go. ]
14. I ran out of gas. = no more gasoline or no more energy
15. I better gas up. = usually gasoline, but could mean food.
16. I ran out of steam. = no more energy
17. I have gas. = stomach gas
18. He passed gas. = fart
19. That car is a gas guzzler.
20. He guzzled his beer.
21. I’m running on fumes.
continuing to do something when you have almost no energy left After two straight games against top teams, the Tigers were running on fumes and lost on Saturday night.
22. A gas station.
a self-serve gas station
23. I’m out of fuel.
I have fuel.
I need to put some fuel in the tank.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
(会員)9月4日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational B...
(会員)9月4日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational B...
Can you accept this package?
I’m sorry. I can’t accept your excuse.
They accepted him as one of the group.
I believe in God.
I believe you.
He called me.
He called me a fool.
Don’t give up on me.
Envision success
envision 〔将来のことを〕想像する、心に描く、思いを巡らす
Forgive my mistakes.
Give unconditionally.
Help me!
Invite me over.
I sent out the invites.
Did you get an invite?
Joke with me.
I joked with him.
He is a joke. = I cannot respect him.
I played a joke on him. = I played a trick on him.
Keep your friends close.
make a difference
Make a difference in his life.
It makes no difference.
It makes no difference to me whether or not the teacher is male or female.
Never judge a friend.
(公開)9月3日(水)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Basic
(公開)9月3日(水)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Basic
1. I read it in the newspaper.
She’s apparently a little girl from England.
She’s apparently 4 apples tall.
2. When do we use the word “occupation” in conversation?
Answer: Almost never!
Formal: What is your occupation?
Conversational: What do you?
So what do you do for a living?
I am a businessman by occupation, but it is not what defines me.
3. If you are surprised in a good or bad way:
I can’t believe + SENTENCE.
4. Here you go. or Here you are.
This is what the waitress says when she brings you food.: “Here we go.” or “Here we are.”
If a taxi driver wants to say, “We have arrived.”
= “Here we are.”
If you are looking for something and finally find it, for example a word in the dictionary, you can say “Here we are.” or “Here we go.”
5. I can't afford to buy a new car.
I can't afford to get fired.
I can't afford to lose my job.
I can't afford to gain anymore weight.
Japan cannot afford another major disaster.
6. save money お金をためる、貯金する
save up for st
I’m saving up for a new computer.
What are you saving up for?
I’m saving up for a trip to Hawaii.
I’m saving up for my vacation.
I’m saving up for NOUN.
I’m saving up to VERB.
Monday, September 1, 2014
(公開)9月1日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Basics!
(公開)9月1日(月)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン Conversational Basics!
Please introduce yourself.1. There are 5 people in my family.
I’m married and we have 3 children.
I’m married and we have a son.
2. I joined bon odori this year.
I took part in the bon odori this year.
I participated in the bon odori this year.
3. 盲導犬 a seeing-eye-dog
or a guide dog
4. Poor thing!
Poor dog!
I feel sorry for the dog.
My heart goes out to the dog and his owner.
5. That was disgusting.
That was despicable.
X I cannot forgive him.
That crime is unforgivable.
7. Japanese publishers blast new Amazon book sale rules
to blast sb = to criticize sb = 批評する, 批判する
I went to the party, and I had a blast.
8. conservation
9. California passes plastic bag ban, would be first such law in US
a ban = 禁止
10. Reception is bad. We have a bad connection. The signal is weak.
I’m not getting a signal.
I’m not getting any bars.
He is a pain in the neck.
Doing laundry is a pain in the neck.
FORMAL: It’s a bit troublesome.
He's a regular pain in the neck.
He is really smart. He is a regular Einstein.
He is a great painter. = He's a regular Picasso.
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