Sunday, September 21, 2014

(会員)9月21日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

(会員)921日(金)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン - Random

I hate Mondays.   

TGIF. Thank God It’s Friday!

The discount(ed) section 

It was really cheap.   

It was dirt cheap! 

It was a bargain. 

It was a good deal. 

It was a steal.  

It was on sale. = It was discounted. 

I’m addicted to coffee. 

I’m an alcoholic. 

He likes to avoid bars. 

If he goes to a bar he would be tempted to drink.


It’s a temptation. 

A: Want to go out tonight?  

B: It’s tempting, but I can’t. 


Food, coffee, and sex are my vices. 

X Food is a vice. 

O Overeating is a vice. 

Coffee is a gray area. 

Sugar is a vice. 

Scotland voted to stay in the UK. 

Their economy would suffer if they became independent. 

She would suffer economically if she got a divorce. 

That’s life. 

 That’s the life!  =  That’s a great way to live.

Am I being too idealistic?

Women should work and make enough money to live. 

In the USA, women get 50% of everything when they get divorced. 

alimony = monthly money from your ex-husband or ex-wife

child support and/or spousal support

The media says it’s “nothing” compared to Cruise’s $250 million fortune.

He has to pay child support. 

The judge decides who gets custody. 

joint custody

The mother gets full custody. 

The Hague Convention

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