Thursday, September 18, 2014

(会員)9月18日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -RANDOM Lesson

Channel live broadcast
(会員)918日(木)23:00 ~ 英会話生放送レッスン -RANDOM Lesson 
I went to the store.
I went to a concert.
X Car are useful in our society.
O  Cars are useful in our society.
I have to go to school. 
I have to go to work. 
I have to go to jail.  
I have to go to prison.  
I have to go to university.  
I have to go to college.  
I have to go to church. 
I go to church every Sunday. 
I have to go to class.  
Why aren't you in class now! Get to class!
I have a class at 11pm. 
I have to go to lunch.
I'm sorry, he's not here now. He went to lunch. 
I have to go to bed.
Do you have time? 時間ある?
Do you the time? 今何時?
I have to go to THE restroom. 
I was bored to death. 
Zenji Nojima is the chairman of a gender equality conference. 
やじ = jeer, heckle, taunt 
to make light of st = 〔物・人を〕おろそかにする、ないがしろにする、なおざりにする、軽く考える、軽んじる、軽視する
My husband makes light of my problems.
My husband makes light of my housework.
My mother made light of my problems.
Australian PM: Public execution terror plot foiled
PM = Prime Minister
public = outside, in front of everyone = 公衆の 
execution =  死刑執行、処刑
public execution 公衆の面前での死刑執行、公開処刑
terror plot = テロの陰謀
foiled plot 失敗した[阻止された]陰謀
My plans were foiled. = My plans were ruined by someone. 
thwart 阻止する、妨害する、挫折させる
to chop sb's head off = to behead sb

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