Saturday, February 14, 2015

(公開) 2015年2月14日(土曜日)Valentine's Day Special

(公開) 2015年2月14日(土曜日)Valentine's Day Special

1. Happy Valentine’s Day!

2. なんぱする = to hit on sb
Ex: Joe hit on Susan.
      Are you hitting on me?

3. to make a pass at sb = to do st to romantically invite sb
Ex: Are you making a pass at me.

4. He picked her up in a bar.
He picked her up on the street.

5. date:
He asked her out (on a date). 
He asked her out on a date.
a) He asked her out for st. 
b) He asked her out to st.

He asked her out to a movie.
He asked her out to a party.
He asked her out to dinner.
He asked her out for a drink/ a cup of coffee.

6. They have been dating for 2 years. 
They have been seeing each other for 2 years.

7. They have been together for 2 years. (dating or marriage)
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Are you seeing anyone? = Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I’m seeing a doctor. a) My boyfriend/girlfriend is a doctor., b) I’m being treated regularly.

8. a romantic appointment = a date
Ex: I have a date tomorrow night.
Would you like to go on a date with me?

9. Casual way to invite sb = Would you like to go out with me (sometime)?

10. It’s my treat., It’s on me.,
I’ll treat you to dinner.
Let me treat you to dinner and movie?
to shout sb st (Australian) = to treat sb to st
Ex: I’ll shout you a beer. = I’ll treat you to a beer.

11. I like you., I really like you!, I’m crazy about you!, I’m nuts about you!, I’m bananas about you!., I love you!

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