Sunday, February 8, 2015

Members Only 2015年2月6日(金曜日)Easily confused words

Members Only 2015年2月6日(金曜日)Easily confused words

What is black and white and ..... all over?
a) red, b) read

2 words with different meaning are spelled differently but sound the same

2. 性格 = a) personality
sb’s character
a )He has a good personality.
b) He has good character. = He is a man of character. = He is honest. = He has character.
a) He has a good personality.  (Interesting.)

A bad person: He is a man of questionable character. < He is a man of low character.
3. 死んだ=He died.
 死んでいる=He is dead.

4. I'm dying. = a) 死にそう, b) 爆笑!
5. You're killing me. a) I can't stand it anymore. b) You are so funny.

6. That show kills me. = That show is really funny.

7. hard man = a really tough man

8. 気難しい = He's moody. / He's grumpy.
He's a hard man to get along with.

9. 頑固な He’s stubborn. / He’s obstinate.
I have a suspicious feeling that....
10. beautician 美容師 = cosmetologist

11. astronaut = cosmonaut

12. 全身麻酔 general anesthesia
local anesthesia 部分麻酔
Princess Anastasia

13. a) feminine = for women who act like women
b) effeminate = for men who act like women

People are apathetic.
People are indifferent.



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