Sunday, February 8, 2015

Members Only 2015年2月8日(日曜日)Random - Fun!

Members Only 2015年2月8日(日曜日)Random - Fun! 
First we will review part of this lesson --> Members Only 2015年2月6日(金曜日)Easily confused words

1. a homonym = same sound, different meaning, different
2. a synonym = 同意語
3. an antonym = 反対語
4. anonymous =    匿名の (adjective)
5. anonymity = noun
6. a Guy Fawkes mask (V for Vendetta)
7. an acronym = 頭字語
GTFO = Get The Fuck Out!
OMG = Oh My God
8. a pseudonym = a fake name
9. personality vs. character
personality = the way you are towards other people, your image, 性格
character = honesty

10. 死んだ=He died.
 死んでいる=He is dead.

11. You're killing me. = I'm dying. = ST/SB is really funny!

12. a hard man = very tough fighter

13. 頑固な He’s stubborn. =He’s obstinate.

14. fubar = fucked up beyond all recognition/repair/reason

15. Let's take in stride. = He took the criticism in stride.
16. Don’t worry about it. Just shake it off.
17. Keep your chin up!
18. Don't let the bastards grind you down.
Don't let the bastards keep you down.
Don’t let it get to you.
Don't let negativity get to you.


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