Sunday, February 22, 2015

(公開) 2015年2月22日(日曜日)Random Vocabulary Builder

(公開) 2015年2月22日(日曜日)Random Vocabulary Builder

1. a patriot / patriotic

2. patri = father

3. mother = matri

4. matrimony = marriage, to get married

5. a matriarch = leading mother of a group


6. sb’s mother tongue = 母国語 one’s native language

7. one’s native country = the motherland, the fatherland = 祖国

8. monogamy = one wife, one husband, 一夫一婦

9. someone with w husbands/wives = bigamy / a bigamist

10. someone with 2 or more husbands/wives = polygamy / a polygamist

11. 2 languages = bilingual

12. a polyglot = a person who can speak many languages

13. He is pretty inspiring. = He gave a very ~ speech.
inspiring = inspirational = inspired (飛び抜けて素晴らしい、見事なまでの)

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