Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18 - English Live Lesson!

May 18 - English Live Lesson!

brain idioms

1. an easy decision = a no-brainer

2. I can’t wrap my brain around this. 

3. to hit someone hard in the head = to brain him
Ex: I almost got brained by that baseball.

4. I’m brain dead. = My brain no longer works.

5. a bird-brain = a stupid person

6. to pick sb's brain = to ask sb many questions so that you can learn about st
Do you mind if I pick your brain on ~.

7. a brain drain = 頭脳流出

8. to commit suicide with a gun = to blow one’s brains out
I was so bored, I felt like blowing my brains out.

9. He is all brawn and no brains.

10. I racked my brains. = I did my best to think about st and perhaps solve a problem.
I’ve been racking my brains for a good present.

11. to have st on the brain = to be obsessed with st.
He has ~ on the brain.

Dirty Slang Warning!
12. to have shit for brains
He’s got shit for brains. = He is an idiot.

13. a brain fart = a stupid idea
I just had a brain fart.
= My mind went blank. 
or = I just came up with a really stupid idea.
I had a brain fart and locked my keys in the car.

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