Saturday, May 9, 2015

May 9 - English Live Lesson!

May 9 - English Live Lesson!

軽自動車 = a compact
My car ~ 4. 

optical illusion = 錯視 sakkaku

Please take your seats.  
Have a seat. 
He is in the hot seat.
2. in the hot seat = be ~》苦しい[不安な・難しい]立場にある
3. The movie was very suspenseful. I was on the ~ of my seat the whole time. 
4. the nosebleed seats
5. The waitress seated us in the back.
6. 車にしょうがい者用の席があるって英語でなんていいますか?
7. 疑っている
8. I've had a head cold all day. 
9. What is the difference between “He is a good teacher.” and “He is good at teaching.”
10. 狭い部屋 / 広い部屋
11. X I cleaned my room. 
12. indulge
Indulge me. 
涙のかたちってなんていいますk= tear shaped
a lost cause = sb or st that cannot be saved 
That is a lost cause. = それは仕方ないです。 
It was a lost cause from the start. = 初めから勝算がなかった.

1. My car seats 4. 
2. the hot seat 
3. the edge
4.  seats high up in an arena, theater, or opera house. 
5. The waitress took us to a back table and gave us seats.
6. This car is wheelchair friendly.
7. I doubt it.  = I don't believe it.         
I suspect so. = I think so. 
I suspect he killed his wife. 
I doubt he killed his wife. 
I suspect so.    I suspect not.
8. 鼻風邪 
9. He is good at the job and should be hired.  = He is a good teacher.
only good at the skill but may be 
10. small room / big room 
11. ―> I cleaned my house. 
12. indulge 甘やかす
子どもを甘やかす = indulge a child

Indulge me.  = Please let me talk or do something and later you will understand. 

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