Sunday, September 17, 2017

9月17日(日曜日)22:30~ 今夜は公開レッスンです! English Lesson

9月17日(日曜日)22:30~ 今夜は公開レッスンです! English Lesson
I just got home from the gym.  
I walked home in the rain.

It’s raining.     <  It’s raining hard.
It’s really coming down.
It’s pouring.
It’s coming down in buckets.
It’s coming down in sheets.

It’s windy.  
It’s sunny. 
It’s cloudy.
It’s cold. 
It’s hot.
It’s muggy.

X It's hard rain.  X Today is hard rain.

come down in sheets =〔雨が〕滝のように降る、土砂降りである
The typhoon will hit Nagoya tonight.
The earthquake hit at about 7am.

I got soaked. 
I got soaking wet.  
I got drenched. 

洪水 a flood
The streets are flooded.

Water comes out of the river.
The rivers are overflowing.

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