Monday, September 18, 2017

Sept. 18th (Monday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Sept. 18th (Monday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Today is a national holiday.

hit =
a) verb: 叩く = to strike, to beat, to punch, 轢く
Ex: He hit me. , I got hit by a car.

b) verb: to happen, Ex: The earthquake hit.   The typhoon hit.

c) noun or 形容詞/adjective: popular, successful
Ex: The song is a hit. /  My new tie was a hit.
He wrote a hit song.

d) verb: to go and do
Ex: I need money, so I’ll hit the bank on the way home.
I’m hungry. Let’s hit a McDonalds.
I hit the gym after work.
You better hit the the toilet before we leave.
I better hit the the toilet before we leave.
効率的な= efficient <—> inefficient
He is an efficient worker.
e - fish -ent
Riding your bicycle to work is more efficient than driving.
It’s inefficient to type while holding a baby.
baby fat
Look at this photo of me. This was taken before I lost all my baby fat.
emaciated 痩せ衰えた、衰弱した、やつれた
The baby was suffering from malnutrition.
I am fat.
He is obese.
a euphemism = a nice way to say something unpleasant
He is big-boned.
I'm not fat. I'm (just) big-boned. : 私は太っていません。骨太なだけです。
She is healthy. = fat
buxom = big boobs

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