Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sept. 24nd (SUNDAY) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Sept. 24nd (SUNDAY) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

1. a scandal = a very embarrassing public event

2. Trump called American professional football players "sons of bitches".

The reason: Some professional football players are kneeling during the anthem.

They are kneeling to protest racism in America. 

Trump thinks they should be fired.

a son of a bitch = an insult meaning a son of a female dog

About a month ago there was a protest involving White Nationalists and Nazis.

a white nationalist = a white person who wants a white only country

to condemn = very strongly criticize someone

national anthem 国歌、ナショナルアンセム

 Everyone has a right to free speech.

free-speech rights 言論の自由の権利

an honor = 光栄

to hesitate = ためらう

an invitation = 招待

to withdraw = to take st away

Trump took back the invitation.

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