Friday, September 29, 2017

Sept. 29th (Friday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

Nico - Friday, Sept. 29, 2017
Sept. 29th (Friday) 23:00 English Lesson (Members Only)

to call a snap election: 解散[議会を解散して]総選挙を行う[実施する]

Japan's defense chief warns of possible North Korea provocation on October 10

to warn = 注意する
provocation 怒らせる[挑発する]こと

Tom provoked the dog, so the dog bit him.
to provoke sb  a) ~を引き起こす、招く、起こさせる、誘発する, b) ~を怒らせる、立腹させる

Don’t provoke me!

provocative = a) sexy, b) st that makes you think
a) She wore a provocative dress.
b) He has some provocative ideas.

Yuriko Koike is arrogant. = 傲慢な
Anime 'your name.' to be remade as Hollywood live-action movie produced by JJ Abrams

JJ Abrams is a bigwig.
a bigwig = a very important person in an industry or company

Toyota will team up with Mazda to make electric cars.
Women in Saudi Arabia got the right to drive
It has been illegal for women to drive in Saudia Arabia until now.

1. They cannot get married without permission from their male guardians.
2. They cannot get divorced without permission from their male guardians.
3. If they get divorced they cannot have custody of their children if their children are over the age of 7 for boys and 9 for girls.

to have custody of someone's child (人)の子どもの親権を持つ

4. They cannot get a passport without permission from their male guardians.

5. They cannot travel without permission from their male guardians.

6. They cannot leave jail without permission from their male guardians.

7. They cannot open a bank account without permission from their male guardians.

8. They cannot get a job without permission from their male guardians.

9. They cannot dress freely.

10. They cannot receive equal inheritance.

11. They cannot receive equal inheritance.
a woman's word is worth half a man's word

12. They cannot get medical treatment without permission from their male guardians.

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