Friday, April 8, 2011

ニコニコ動画-April 8, 2011 - Mixed Class

April 8, 2011
Mixed Class

1. ~さんによろしく!
Say hit/hello to ~ for me.
Tell ~ I said hi.
Give ~ my regards.
Give my (best)regards to ~.

2. ただいま!
I'm home!

3. おかえり!
Welcome home.
Welcome back.

4. いただきます!
X ----
This looks delicious!

5. A: ~はいかがですか?
B: いただきます!
A: Would you like ~? / How about ~?
B: Don't mind if I do!

6. 運動しなくちゃ!
I have/need to exercise.
I have/need to work out.
I have to hit the gym.

BONUS: I have to hit the books.= I have to study.
to hit on sb=ナンパする
He hit on her.

7. 道に迷った。
I am lost.
I got lost.
I lost my way. (formal)

8. 本当に感謝しています。
I really appreciate it.
I sincerely appreciate it.
I truly appreciate it.
I'm truly thankful.
I'm really thankful.
I'm really grateful.
I'm truly grateful.
I'm sincerely grateful.

We had an earthquake.
An earthquake hit us.
We had an aftershock.
An aftershock hit us.

The aftershock last night was no surprise.
It was expected.
It was no surprise.
I was not surprised.

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