Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nico Nico Douga Mixed Class - April 17, 2011

Nico Nico Douga Mixed Class
April 17, 2011

She was operated on.
Maggie had an operation.
Maggie got an operation. (casual English)
Maggie had surgery. (standard English)

She went under the knife.
(Idiom: to go under the knife)

Maggie got fixed. (避妊した)
She had her uterus removed.

a uterus, a womb: 子宮

He was castrated.

The baby gets food throught the umbilical cord.
へその緒=umbilical cord

Doctors removed her ~.
Maggie had her ~ removed.

She was put under anesthesia.
麻酔= anesthesia

She was put under general anesthesia.
全身麻酔=general anesthesia

She was put under a local anesthesia.
a local anesthesia=局所麻酔

She got stitches.
They gave her stitches.


I took her to the clinic at 9am.
to take sb to + a place=連れて行く

I handed her (over) to the doctor.
to hand st over to sb=渡す

Maggie is used to strangers
to be used to=慣れている
So she was fine.

I worried. I was worried.

be worried=心配していた

Is fixing your dog a fairly normal thing to do in the U.S.?

We decided to go to Denny's and kill some time.
to kill some time=時間をつぶす

When we left Denny's I noticed a couple arguing.


I noticed a man standing on the corner.
I heard a dog barking.
I saw a girl talking to a man.
I saw the man hit the girl.
I saw the man hitting the girl.

I got angry!

What would you do if you were me?

I would call the police.
I would report him to the police.

That's what I should have done.

Q. What were you doing?
A. I was walking.

Q. What did you do?
A. He was dragging her to a car.

So I decided to stop the man.
I grabbed him.
I put him in a headlock.
Guess what happened next.
She jumped on me.

It was an anti-climactic ending.
lover's spat=痴話げんか

It was quite humorous in retrospect.

an anecdote=逸話

She has to take it easy for 2 weeks.
She can't get her bandages wet.

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