Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - April 20, 2011

She might rip her stitches.
She has stitches.
It was a nice day in Kanagawa.

I went to 場所。 I went 動詞ing.
I went to a place。
I went Ving.

I went 動詞ing. --> I went golfing on Sunday.
I played golf on Sunday.

I went to 場所。 --> I went to Ichinomiya. I went to a store.
I fell down a small flight of stairs. 踏み外した / 数段転んだ
NOTE: to fall down --> 転ぶ, to drop --> 落とす, to fall --> 落ちる
The plane fell out of the sky.
Rain fell from the sky.
I fell down.
I dropped my keys. I lost my keys.
スピードを落とす= Slow down.
The poltician lost the people's trust.

X 1. I saw a dream.
1. I had a dream.
Idiom: In your dreams! = 断るために言う。それは「嘘だ!」と言いたい時。

A: How about a kiss, baby?
B: In your dreams! (=No way!)

X2. I get my salary once a month.
2. I get paid once a month.
NOTE: 給料日=pay day

X3. I drowned when I was 7 years old.
3. I almost drowned when I was 7 years old.
Extra: I am drowning at work.
I have too much work to do. I'm drowning.

X4. The tree was hit by thunder.
4. The tree was hit by lightning.
Extra: He was as quick as lightning.
He's like greased lightning.
Extra: steal someone's thunder
He stole my thunder.

A upstage B

He stole the scene.

He stole the whole movie.

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