Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - Sept. 28, 2011- Intermediate - Advanced Clas

Sept. 28, 2011
Intermediate - Advanced Class
to exorcise=to remove a ghost etc.
to exercise
a mental illness
to expel= to kick out
to choke=a) to kill by squeezing the neck, b) to get something suck in one's throat
c) to fail under pressure
She choked to death.
She suffocated.
She asphyxiated.
to suffocate=to asphyxiate=to die due to no air
to drown=溺死した/She drowned.
to soak=a) つかる
I like soaking in the bathtub.
Soak the meat in this gravy for a few hours.
b) びしょびしょ
I got soaked. I got sopping wet. I'm dripping wet.
I'm dripping wet from the rain.
to douse=to throw water on st
They doused the fire (with water).
They doused themselves with gasoline. And then they lit themselves on fire.
They were protesting the Chinese government.

I doused Maggie with flea spray.
to chant
to lose consciousness
to regain consciousness=to come to
She lost consciousness.
She regained consciousness.=She came to.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nico Nico Douga – Sept. 26, 2011 - Beginner’s Class

Nico Nico Douga – Sept. 26, 2011

Beginner’s Class

When do we use present tense?
1. Do you drive? vs. 2. Are you driving?
Use present tense to describe HABIT 習慣 & ability.
Do you play tennis?
Yes, I play. (About once a week.)
Well, I can play tennis, but I don't.
I used to play tennis, but I don't anymore.
Do you play any instrument?
Do you speak English?
I live in Nagoya.
What does it mean to say, “I am living in Nagoya.”
It means this is temporary or new.

Do you like 〜?
Do you think 〜?

BUT we can use “liking” and “thinking” in special cases.
A new teacher came to your school last week.
At first, you didn't like him.
I’m starting to like that new teacher.
I’m liking that new teacher.

A: What are you going to do this weekend?
B: I think I’ll go to the beach.
I’m thinking of going to the beach.
I’m thinking I like that new teacher.

Using present continuous 〜ing.
How are you doing?
How is it going?
What's going on?
How's it hanging?
How are you enjoying your job?
How are you enjoying your vacation?
I feel sick. vs. I'm feeling sick.
I just lost my train of thought.

Don't be V-ing. vs. Don’t verb.

Don't be using my computer when I'm not home. = Don't use my computer when I'm not home.
Don't be talking to me like that.
Don't be looking at me like that.
What is the difference between A and B?
I have gone to Hawaii. I have been to Hawaii. I went to Hawaii.

Q: Would you like to have dinner with us?
A: No, thanks. I've eaten.

Have you ever eaten INAGO?
Yes, I have eaten INAGO.

I ate too much.
He's gone to lunch.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - Sept. 21, 2011 - Intermediate - Advanced

Sept. 21, 2011

Maggie's birthday is today!

I’m going to give her a live kitten.


1. I’m dog tired.

2. Phuket has gone to the dogs.

3. My dogs are barking.

4. the hair of the dog that bit me

5. I’m in the doghouse.

6. I was as sick as a dog.


1. It's a very competitive atmosphere. = It’s a dog eat dog world.

2. They fight a lot! = They fight like cats and dogs!

3. If you hang out with bad people, you will become like them. = If you lie with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.

4. Don’t bring up unhappy memories. = Let sleeping dogs lie.

5. Old people can’t learn anything. = You can't teach an old dogs new tricks.

I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.

6. I need to use the toilet. = I have to see a man about a dog / horse.

7. My wife/boss does not give me much freedom. = She keeps me on a short leash.

8. Every dog has its day.=Even people who are usually unlucky sometimes get lucky.

9. When I was a little boy I thought I loved my teacher. It was just puppy love.

10. A barking dog never bites.

His bark is worse than his bite.

In honor of Maggies birthday!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - Sept. 19, 2011 Mixed!

Sept. 19, 2011
My body hurts!
stationary bicycle
I'm rusty!
a joint=関節
1. Did you hear about ~?

2. お休みどうだった?
How was your vacation?

3. 最近はおもしろい映画を見ましたか?
Have you seen any good movies recently?

4. The Hobbitの映画を楽しみにしている。I'm looking forward to seeing The Hobbit. / I'm really excited about seeing The Hobbit.
I'm really excited to see The Hobbit.
I can't wait to see The Hobbit.
1) gone to the dogs: Taken a turn for the worse.
Japan has gone to the dogs.
2) that dog won't hunt: What you say makes no sense.
3) the hair of the dog that bit you: The drink you drink in the morning to get over the drinks you drank the night before.
4) my dogs are barking: My feet are hurting
5) in the dog house: In trouble.
6) dog tired: Very tired.
7) sick as a dog: Very sick.
So recently I've been trying to learn how to use some new software.
I've been studying the software.

I've been teaching myself.

It takes a long time to learn new software.

It's time consuming.

After a few hours I'm finally starting to get the hang of it.
to get the hang of st = to start to understand how to do st
I have a knack for editing.
I have a knack for getting into trouble.
I don't really have a knack for music.
But I was having trouble learning how to use the new software. But these last 3 days I decided to dig in my heels and study.
to dig one's heels in=to refuse to change your direction, to be stubborn

1. What is a heel?
a heel = かかと
But in English heel has many uses.

2. to be a heel
Ex: I feel like a heel.
=I feel like a jerk.

3. I'm really in love with her. = I'm head over heels in love with her.
Related: I fell head over heels in love with her.

4. an Achille's heel = sb's weak point

5. to drag one's heels/feet = to move too slowly


Yuki Amami's beauty tips - Eat, sleep and laugh

Actress Yuki Amami, 44, is the new image character for Kose’s skincare brand, Grandaine Luxage Astamax. Amami will appear in a series of TV commercials for the brand.
At an event to launch the ad campaign, Amami said she washes her face every day with Grandaine Luxage Astamax. Asked for some beauty tips, Amami said it is important to eat, sleep properly and laugh a lot. She also encouraged women of her generation to work hard for anti-aging from inside. The new commercial will air from Sept 17.

Nico Nico - Sept. 15th How to be healthy!

Get Up Every Hour
People who sit for four or more hours a day outside work have a 50% greater risk of dying from any cause than those who sat less than two hours a day. Take a minute-long walk at least once an hour. You should be taking 10,000 steps every day.
X I take a walk 3 times in a day.
People who spend a lot of time sitting are called sedentary.
Related: The doctors had to sedate him.
The doctors gave him a sedative.
He took a sedative.

Eat an Egg
One egg a day is healthy. One egg a day is good for you. An egg a day does a body good. One egg has 13% of your daily protein requirement and only 4% of the average recommended daily (1日の) calorie count. Plus, eggs have a hefty dose of an antioxidant that protects your eyes from getting weak and UV damage. An egg a day may even help prevent Alzheimer's: The yolk is a significant source of a nutrient that reduces inflammation in the brain.
Eggs have 2 parts: the yolk (卵黄、(卵の)黄身) & the egg white (卵白、卵の白身)
Don't you care about the cholesterol in eggs?
I don't worry about it personally.
daily calorie intake 毎日のカロリー摂取量
a dose=〔薬の〕一服、1回分
to help prevent=防止に役立つ
Aspirin helps prevent heart disease.
Many doctors recommend a number of calories you need to live.

That average number is about 2,800 calories.

Take Chromium (《元素》クロム、クロミウム、クロミューム)
Research shows that the trace mineral helps maintain proper blood sugar levels by increasing cells' sensitivity to insulin, steeling your body against type II diabetes. Swallow 200 micrograms a day of chromium polynicotinate.
This is Greek to me. = I do not understand this at all!

Don't Forget to Floss (デンタルフロス(dental floss)[糸ようじ]で掃除する)

Check Your Pulse (脈)
The normal resting rate is 60 beats per minute.
Before you get out of bed in the morning, press your index and middle fingers against the inside of your wrist below your thumb and count the beats for 30 seconds.

A normal resting rate is 60 beats per minute.
A rate of 90 or above triples a woman's risk of dying from heart disease.

Give yourself a massage.

Sept. 14, 2011-Intermediate-Advanced

Easily confused words:
1. lend vs. loan
Could you ~ me 1,000 dollars?
Could you ~ me a hand?
~ me your ears!
Although some people feel loan should only be used as a noun, lend and loan are both acceptable as verbs in standard English: “Can you lend (loan) me a dollar?” However, only lend should be used in figurative senses: “Will you lend

2. prosecute vs. persecute
a) The bullies ~ the small foreigner.
The D.A.’s office decided not to ~.
persecute sb = ~を迫害する
He was ~ by the memories of his crime.
prosecute = 起訴する
2a) persecuteed
2b) prosecute
2c) persecuted

3. stationary vs. stationery
He works at a ~ store.
The car was ~. =It was not moving.

Stationary is an adjective that means fixed or unmoving: “They maneuvered around the stationary barrier in the road.” Stationery is a noun that means writing materials: “We printed the letters on company stationery.”

3a) stationery
3b) stationary

4. principal vs. principle
a) Who is the ~ of your school?
b) What is the ~ reason for you wanting to quite your job?
c) We have different values. = Our ~ are different.

Principal is a noun that means a person who holds a high position or plays an important role: “The school principal has 20 years of teaching experience.” Principal is also an adjective that means chief or leading: “The necessity of moving to another city was the principal reason I turned down the job offer.” Principle is a noun that means a rule or standard: “They refused to compromise their principles.”

5. lightening vs. lightning vs. lighting
I was struck by~.
I like the lighting in this room
I like the ~ in this room.
She lightened her hair color.
Lightening is a verb that means to illuminate; lightning is a noun referring to the electrical charges the cause flashes of light during storms: “The lightning struck, lightening the sky.”
My ship came in.

When is my ship going to come in?
My ship finally came in

seek asylum

live in exile

The King exiled him from the country.
He lived in self-imposed exile for 10 years.
to defect 逃亡する、亡命する
He defected to China.

a defector 亡命者
I took out a loan.
I took out a loan for 10,000 dollars.
Can you loan/lend me some money.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nico – Beginner – Sept. 13, 2011

Nico is very glitchy.
It's a glitch.
It's glitchy.

Here are some useful expressions you should know!

1. Stop it! = ~ it out!

2. Please stop it! = Give me a ~.

3. Calm down! = ~ out!

4. It's a little cold here. = It's ~.

5. I don’t understand. = I don’t ~ it.

6. I don’t understand. = I can’t ~ it out.

7. I exercised today. = I ~ out today.

8. That's strange. = That's f...... = That's w......

9. You failed. = You ~ it.

10. He is a stupid person. = He is a ~. (retard = dangerous)

11. He didn't come. = He didn't ~ up.

12. It was cancelled. = It was ~ off.

13. The meeting was ~ back to 4pm.

14. 残暑 in English

15. What are the 3 meanings of “loaded”?

16. He is trashed.


1. cut

2. break

3. chill

4. chilly

5. get

6. figure

7. worked out

Related --> NOUN: I had a hard/good/nice workout.

8. That's strange. = That's funny. = That's weird.

9. blew

10. dummy / moron

11. show

12. called

13. moved back / pushed back / postponed

14. an Indian summer

15. having bullets, rich, drunk

16, He was drunk.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sept. 8, 2011 - Thursday - Mixed Class

Essential English
essential = necessary

1. afford
I want a new camera, but I can’t afford one.
I would like to join a gym, but I can’t afford the time.

I can’t afford to lose my job.
I can’t afford to get/be arrested.
I want to go to Hawaii but I can’t afford the plane tickets.
She can't afford to gain weight.
I can’t afford to get divorced.
I can’t afford to fail the test.
I can’t afford to lose the game.

I have a lot of information.
I don't have much information.
I can’t afford to make a mistake.

to have an affair
to have a fling
It was just a fling.
Old age is creeping up on me.
Age is creeping up on sb.

It was a breeze.=It was easy.
to shoot the breeze
We were just shooting the breeze.
We were just shooting the breeze.

Time prepositions
1. I waited for him ~ an hour.
2. I have been working here ~ 3 years.
3. I have been working here ~ 1999.
4. I can’t talk now, but I can talk ~ an hour.
5. I can’t talk now, but I can talk ~ the party.

6a. I haven’t seen him ~ a month.
6b. I haven’t seen him for over a month.
for / in

7. ~ you get angry, please listen to what I have to say.

8. I went to bed ~ I took a shower.

9. I have not seen him ~ 1999.
10. I have not seen him ~ the party.

11. I have not seen him ~ yesterday.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sept. 7, 2011 - Int-Adv.

Sept. 7, 2011 - Int-Adv.

Today while reading the newspaper I read an article that called what Shinsuke Shimada said a barefaced lie.
This has inspired today's lesson. We usually say:
a barefaced lie
We also say:
a bald-faced lie
a bald-faced liar
a barefaced liar

bare=(形容詞) naked/nude/裸

Example uses:
I killed him with my bare hands.
bare hands = no gloves, no weapons, no tools.

bare feet = no shoes
He was walking down the street in his bare feet.
No shoes, no shirt, no service.

Give me the bare facts.

He bared himself to the world.

Be careful! Do not confuse, "bare" and "bear".
I can't bear it anymore.

Here are a list of idioms having to do with LYING!

1. a barefaced liar
Someone who lies easily, with a total lack of shame, is called a
 barefaced liar. 
 "That barefaced liar stole my watch and said he'd found it!"

2. to be on the level=to be telling the truth
Are you on the level?
I think he's on the level.
If you say that somebody is on the level, you are referring to a truthful 
 and honest person.
 "Tell me straight : Is he on the level on not?"

3. to live a lie
If you spend your life hiding something important about yourself, 
 or inventing something which is not true, you live a lie.
 "To hide his humble origins, he told his wife he had no family and 
 spent his life living a lie."
I've been living a lie!

4. to be full of it. / to be full of shit / to be full of bs / to be full of baloney
Full Of It ( this person says things which are not true; a liar ... )
Your full of it.
You're so full of shit, your eyes are brown.

5. to stretch the truth
When you stretch the truth you exaggerate the facts or say things 
 that are not exactly true.

Some candidates are tempted to stretch the truth about their skills or work experience.

6. to bend the truth
If you bend the truth, you say something that is not entirely true.
 "OK, I bent the truth a bit; I told him it was my natural color, but I didn't say that my hairdresser helped me to keep it natural!"
He likes bending/stretching the truth.

7. a pack of lies
A large number of untruthful statements is referred to as a pack of lies.
 "The story about her unhappy childhood turned out to be a pack of lies."

a pack of wolves/dogs/teenager/lies

It was all just a pack of lies.

8. a smokescreen
A smokescreen is an action or tactic intended to conceal or divert
 attention from your real intentions or activities.
 "His travel business was just a smokescreen for his political activities."

9. to be economical about the truth
economical = efficient about time or money
He is economical with the truth. = He doesn't tell everything he knows.
To say that a person is economical with the truth means that, without
 actually lying, they omit important facts or give incomplete information.
 "The politician was accused of being economical with the truth."

He left out some important information.

Nico Nico Douga - Sept. 6, 2011 – Beginner’s class

Nico Nico Douga - Sept. 6, 2011 – Beginner’s class
It's finally getting cool.
It’s almost chilly tonight.
Basic Slang!
1. Get out of here!
Beat it!

2. I’m tired!
I’m beat!

3. The Giants won the game against The Dragons.
The Giants beat The Dragons.

4. I lost. = I got beat.
You lost. = You got beat.
We lost. = We got beat.

5. You dropped your keys. Do you want me to ~ them up for you?
Do you want me to pick them up for you?

6. I’m tired. I need a little ~-me-up!
(Something like coffee.)
a pick-me-up

7. He tried to ~ her up in a bar.
to pick sb up=ナンパする

Have you ever picked anyone up?

Related: to hit on sb

8. We are old friends.
We go ---- --------
We go way back.

A: Do you know Joe?
B: Oh, yeah. Joe and I go way back.

9. そんなこと、簡単にできる。
No sweat!
Piece of cake.
It’s a piece of cake.
That’s a piece of cake.

That was a breeze.

That’s as easy as pie.

That’s a walk in the park.

10. to head somewhere = to go somewhere
Where are you heading? Where are you headed?
I'm heading the team.
I'm heading up a team.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - Sept. 1, 2011 - Intermediate to Advanced Class

1256 - Kujo Yoritsune, Japanese shogun (b. 1218) died today.

1987 - Smoking forbidden in public buildings in Belgium

"catch" idioms continued:
1. I would really like the opportunity to do that.
= I would jump at the chance to do that.

2. I didn't have time/opportunity to do that.
=I didn't get a chance (to).

3. If he tries, he has a fair possibility of succeeding.
=He has a fighting/sporting chance.

4. Just in case there is an opportunity.
=On the off chance that he’s telling the truth we should listen to his story.

5. What are the possibilities that I can.
=What are my chances?

6. I think the following will happen...
= Chances are...

Nico Nico Douga - Aug. 26, 2011 – Mixed Levels Class

Aug. 26, 2011 – mixed class

a glitch
It’s a glitch.
It’s a snag.
We hit a snag.

Did you get a chance to VERB?
Did you get a chance to call Tom?
Did you get a chance to read me story?

Have you ever had the chance to go abroad?
I've never had the chance to go abroad.
Fat chance that will ever happen. =I think that will never happen.
Fat chance.
There's a slim chance that will happen.
I didn't have the chance to...
I haven't had the chance to....
I had many chances in life. = I had many opportunities in life.
Is there any chance ....
Is there any chance you will cancel?
There is no chance in ~ I will do that.
There is no chance in hell I will do that.
There is no chance in hell I would do that.
Is there any chance you can help me?
Is there any chance there has been a mistake?
You don't get many chances like this one.
There will be more chances for you in the future.
Is there any chance you’ll change your mind.

Is there any possibility that you made a mistake?
Is there any chance....
I chanced to meet him in the subway.
I had the chance to meet her in the subway.
I don't have a chance in hell.
Not a chance.

Is there any chance you can baby-sit Maggie?

NEXTTIME: Chances are...