Monday, September 19, 2011

Sept. 14, 2011-Intermediate-Advanced

Easily confused words:
1. lend vs. loan
Could you ~ me 1,000 dollars?
Could you ~ me a hand?
~ me your ears!
Although some people feel loan should only be used as a noun, lend and loan are both acceptable as verbs in standard English: “Can you lend (loan) me a dollar?” However, only lend should be used in figurative senses: “Will you lend

2. prosecute vs. persecute
a) The bullies ~ the small foreigner.
The D.A.’s office decided not to ~.
persecute sb = ~を迫害する
He was ~ by the memories of his crime.
prosecute = 起訴する
2a) persecuteed
2b) prosecute
2c) persecuted

3. stationary vs. stationery
He works at a ~ store.
The car was ~. =It was not moving.

Stationary is an adjective that means fixed or unmoving: “They maneuvered around the stationary barrier in the road.” Stationery is a noun that means writing materials: “We printed the letters on company stationery.”

3a) stationery
3b) stationary

4. principal vs. principle
a) Who is the ~ of your school?
b) What is the ~ reason for you wanting to quite your job?
c) We have different values. = Our ~ are different.

Principal is a noun that means a person who holds a high position or plays an important role: “The school principal has 20 years of teaching experience.” Principal is also an adjective that means chief or leading: “The necessity of moving to another city was the principal reason I turned down the job offer.” Principle is a noun that means a rule or standard: “They refused to compromise their principles.”

5. lightening vs. lightning vs. lighting
I was struck by~.
I like the lighting in this room
I like the ~ in this room.
She lightened her hair color.
Lightening is a verb that means to illuminate; lightning is a noun referring to the electrical charges the cause flashes of light during storms: “The lightning struck, lightening the sky.”
My ship came in.

When is my ship going to come in?
My ship finally came in

seek asylum

live in exile

The King exiled him from the country.
He lived in self-imposed exile for 10 years.
to defect 逃亡する、亡命する
He defected to China.

a defector 亡命者
I took out a loan.
I took out a loan for 10,000 dollars.
Can you loan/lend me some money.

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