Monday, September 19, 2011

Nico Nico - Sept. 15th How to be healthy!

Get Up Every Hour
People who sit for four or more hours a day outside work have a 50% greater risk of dying from any cause than those who sat less than two hours a day. Take a minute-long walk at least once an hour. You should be taking 10,000 steps every day.
X I take a walk 3 times in a day.
People who spend a lot of time sitting are called sedentary.
Related: The doctors had to sedate him.
The doctors gave him a sedative.
He took a sedative.

Eat an Egg
One egg a day is healthy. One egg a day is good for you. An egg a day does a body good. One egg has 13% of your daily protein requirement and only 4% of the average recommended daily (1日の) calorie count. Plus, eggs have a hefty dose of an antioxidant that protects your eyes from getting weak and UV damage. An egg a day may even help prevent Alzheimer's: The yolk is a significant source of a nutrient that reduces inflammation in the brain.
Eggs have 2 parts: the yolk (卵黄、(卵の)黄身) & the egg white (卵白、卵の白身)
Don't you care about the cholesterol in eggs?
I don't worry about it personally.
daily calorie intake 毎日のカロリー摂取量
a dose=〔薬の〕一服、1回分
to help prevent=防止に役立つ
Aspirin helps prevent heart disease.
Many doctors recommend a number of calories you need to live.

That average number is about 2,800 calories.

Take Chromium (《元素》クロム、クロミウム、クロミューム)
Research shows that the trace mineral helps maintain proper blood sugar levels by increasing cells' sensitivity to insulin, steeling your body against type II diabetes. Swallow 200 micrograms a day of chromium polynicotinate.
This is Greek to me. = I do not understand this at all!

Don't Forget to Floss (デンタルフロス(dental floss)[糸ようじ]で掃除する)

Check Your Pulse (脈)
The normal resting rate is 60 beats per minute.
Before you get out of bed in the morning, press your index and middle fingers against the inside of your wrist below your thumb and count the beats for 30 seconds.

A normal resting rate is 60 beats per minute.
A rate of 90 or above triples a woman's risk of dying from heart disease.

Give yourself a massage.

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