Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nico – Beginner – Sept. 13, 2011

Nico is very glitchy.
It's a glitch.
It's glitchy.

Here are some useful expressions you should know!

1. Stop it! = ~ it out!

2. Please stop it! = Give me a ~.

3. Calm down! = ~ out!

4. It's a little cold here. = It's ~.

5. I don’t understand. = I don’t ~ it.

6. I don’t understand. = I can’t ~ it out.

7. I exercised today. = I ~ out today.

8. That's strange. = That's f...... = That's w......

9. You failed. = You ~ it.

10. He is a stupid person. = He is a ~. (retard = dangerous)

11. He didn't come. = He didn't ~ up.

12. It was cancelled. = It was ~ off.

13. The meeting was ~ back to 4pm.

14. 残暑 in English

15. What are the 3 meanings of “loaded”?

16. He is trashed.


1. cut

2. break

3. chill

4. chilly

5. get

6. figure

7. worked out

Related --> NOUN: I had a hard/good/nice workout.

8. That's strange. = That's funny. = That's weird.

9. blew

10. dummy / moron

11. show

12. called

13. moved back / pushed back / postponed

14. an Indian summer

15. having bullets, rich, drunk

16, He was drunk.

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