Monday, June 4, 2012

(会員) 06月01日お客さんのための英語

Watch this:

We have company.
polite= 礼儀正しくない
rude = 失礼

1. Come in.
Please take off your shoes.
It’s a Japanese custom.
2. Come on in!
3. I wouldn’t want to impose.
I hope I’m not disturbing you.
Is this a good time?
4. Don’t be silly.
4. Come in. Take a load off.

5. Make yourself at home.

6. Mi casa es su casa.
My home is your home.

7. Would you like something to drink?
8. Would you like something to eat?
9. Can I get you anything?
10. Can I use your restroom?
Could I use your restroom?

May I use your restroom?
Is it OK if use your restroom?
Do you mind if I use your restroom?
No, I don't mind. Go ahead.
No, I don't mind. Help yourself.

11. I don’t want to wear out my welcome.

12. I better be going?

13. Can I drop you off at the station?

14 Can I walk you to the station?

15. Drive safe!

16. Thank you for opening your home to me. 

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