Wednesday, June 13, 2012

(会員) 06月12日 Mixed Levels - Answering your questions (30 min or more?)

(会員) 06月12日 Mixed Levels - Answering your questions (30 min or more?)

June 12, 2012, Tues. 10:30pm
I’m here to answer your questions.
1. in place
    all set
O Get ready!
X Get all set.[
I’m all set. = I’m all ready.

2. How can I use, “for the life me”?
I can’t, for the life of me, remember where I put my camera.
For the life of me, I can’t remember where I put my camera.

3. responsible: a) the person who did st, b) sb who is honest and dependable
Who is responsible?
irresponsible =責任感がない
I’m very sorry. That was very irresponsible of me.
4. I went to Tokyo for the first time in 3 years.
I haven’t been to Tokyo in 3 years.
I haven’t gone to Tokyo in 3 years.
It’s been 3 years since I was in Tokyo last.
I'll be in Tokyo in 2 weeks.
5. Fine! Whatever! Let’s move on.
Let’s forget about it. Enough about that.
Fine! Whatever! Let’s move on. Let’s forget about it. Enough about that.
Enough about that already.

6. to overstep
to overstep one's authority

7. I'm sorry, but I gotta bail.
to bail = to leave
to bail on sb = to leave sb
I’m going to bail. = I’m leaving.

8. to bail sb out = to help sb
Thanks for bailing me out. = Thanks for helping me.

9.  Adding “away off up out” to verbs changes them and makes them stronger.
Eat! < Eat up!
Drink! < Drink up!
I'm paid up.
I'm paid up until August.

1. cryptic = a secret and old and mysterious and hard to understand
a crypt: 穴蔵、〔納骨用の〕地下室、遺体安置所

12. 10pm is even better.

13. Let bygones be bygones.
Let’s forgive and forget.
I'd like to get this behind us.

14. Epic. = GREAT!

15. neat = cool = interesting = fun

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