Tuesday, January 28, 2014

(会員) Jan. 28, 2014 - REVIEW! - Part 1 of 2

(会員) Jan. 28, 2014 - REVIEW! - Part 1 of 2

I'm indifferent.

What's your New Year's Resolution?
overcome = 乗り越える
addiction = 中毒
I'm addicted to ~.
I'm an alcoholic.
unrealistic = 非現実的な、実感が湧かない
sore = muscles hurt
I decided to turn over a new leaf. 心[魂・性根・精神・気持ち]を入れ替える
muscle soreness = 筋肉痛
I want to lose weight.
I want to lose 10 kg.
I want to lose/shed/drop 10 kg.

I want to stick to a budget.
I want to live within my means.
He lives beyond his means.

I am going to hit the sack.

I think I'm coming down with a cold,

I just have the sniffles.
to sniffle = 鼻をすする

I would get up at 6am every day.

to live in the past

He lives in the past.

I did a 2-year stint as a taxi driver.

He did a 10 year stint at Jolie.

We reviewed up to Jan. 12, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

(会員) Jan. 26, 2014 - Talking about guns & gun idioms

(会員) Jan. 26, 2014 - Talking about guns & gun idioms

Guns are illegal. 
Guns are legal.
Owning a gun is not illegal, but it's very difficult to get a gun here.
Gun control is very strict in Japan.
I have a gun permit.
I have a permit to carry a gun.
I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
I have a concealed weapon permit.
We keep our guns in holsters.
a gun = a firearm
a pistol
a rifle
a shotgun
a bullet
the caliber
a .22
a . 38
a Saturday Night Special
The NRA = The National Rifle Association
a Colt 45 = beer
a .44 magnum = Dirty Harry's gun

Right to own a firearm: The Second Amendment in the USA
He is loaded. a) drunk, b) rich,
The gun is loaded. c) gun has bullets
That's a loaded question.
d) a dangerous question
"Have you stopped hitting your wife?"
They had a shotgun wedding.

to jump the gun = to act too quickly
Don't jump the gun. 
I'm sticking to my guns.
Don't back down! Don't give in!  Stick to your guns!

a smoking gun = very strong evidence

Friday, January 24, 2014

(会員) Jan. 24, 2014 - Vocabulary Booster! Mixed

(会員) Jan. 24, 2014 - Vocabulary Booster! Mixed
It slipped my mind.
I have a good memory. = I can remember things well. 
I have a bad memory. = I can't remember things well. 
memory = 記憶
I remember you. 
I don't remember that.  
remind someone 
Please remind me to bring my book. 
to remind sb = (人)に思い出させる
I met her, and I remembered my cousin.
= She reminds me of my cousin.
You remind me of your father. 
recall (formal)= remember (common)
I don't recall/remember. 
I don't recall what he said.
I don't recall where he lives.
I don't recall what his name is. 
I don't recall who said that.
He seems familiar.
something that seems familiar

I can't place his face.

I took a little trip down memory lane.
A: Her face looks familiar, but I don't know who she is. 
B: Maybe if you talk to her it will jog your memory. 
to jog sb's memory
 jog someone's memory(人)の記憶を呼び起こす

Maybe this will jog your memory.

Please bear in mind that … = Please remember that ….
to ring a bell = to make me remember
That rings a bell. = That helps me remember. 
That name rings a bell. = That name sounds familiar.

He has a memory like an elephant. = He has a very good memory. 
He has a memory like a steel trap. = He has a great memory. 
He has a mind like a steel trap.

If memory serves... = If my memory is correct, then….
I memorized the number. 

  • if memory serves 記憶が正しければ
  • 表現パターンif memory serves me correctly
  • if my memory serves me correctly 私の記憶に間違いなければ
  • 表現パターンif my memory serves me correctly right
  • if my memory serves me well 私の記憶が正しければ
I memorized the number. 
I learned the song by heart.

rote memory

rote learning - memorization by repetition

(会員) Jan. 23, 2014 - Talking About Drugs 麻薬について

(会員) Jan. 23, 2014 - Talking About Drugs 麻薬について


= pot, weed, grass

Alcohol is legal. 
Marijuana is illegal.

Legal drugs are called "medicine". 
illegal = 違反、違法
Illegals drugs are called "narcotics". 

legal = 形容詞 adjective 
illegal = 形容詞 adjective
to legalize st = to make st that was illegal, legal
criminalize 【他動】 〔行為などを〕刑法により禁じる[違法とする]、〔物事などを〕犯罪とする◆新しい法律を作ったり法律を改正したりして、以前は規制がなかった事柄を犯罪とすること。

a criminal = 犯罪者
to criminalize st = to make st illegal 
a crime = 犯罪
an over the counter drug 
over-the-counter drug〈米〉〔薬局で自由に買える〕市販[店頭]薬

prescription drug〔医師の処方箋が必要な〕処方薬

medical marijuana 医療目的でのマリファナ使用、医療大麻
People take medical marijuana to alleviate pain.  
In Colorado they have legalize recreational marijuana.  
a recreational drug = 娯楽のための麻薬
legalize = decriminalize
drug paraphernalia 

Marijuana is not as bad as alcohol. 

That TV show is addictive.
addictive 【形】 〔薬などの物質が〕中毒性の、中毒を(引き)起こす、常習的な、常用癖がつきやすい
I am addicted to that show. 

I am addicted.    It's a addictive.

(会員) Jan. 20, 2014 - Movie Expressions! MIXED! Rapunzel!

(会員) Jan. 20, 2014 - Movie Expressions! MIXED!

demented = crazy

He invented it in his brain. = He imagined it. 

naive = too inexperienced and so they have wrong ideas 

a dummy = a stupid person

No? Oh. I see how it is.

Don't let him deceive you!
to deceive = だます = to fool = to trick 
Give it to him, watch, you'll see!
I told you so. だから言ったじゃないか。
Well, if he's such a dreamboat, go and put him to the test!
to put somebody to the test

Don't come crying to me.
Don't come crying to me.後で私に泣きつかないでくださいよ。/後で泣いても知らないからね。
How do you manage to VERB.

How do you manage to stay slim?
How do you manage to stay so young?
How do you manage to keep so positive?
It looks absolutely exhausting, darling!

Then I don't know why it takes so long.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

(会員) Jan. 18, 2014 - Vocabulary Boost! MIXED! (Actually the 19th)

The video is mislabeled. It actually was taught on the 19th!

I'm depressed.
He's depressed.
He's clinically depressed.
He's insane.  He's clinically insane.

He's obese.  He's clinically obese.
He's clinically a moron.
IQ between 0 and 25 are idiots; IQs between 26 and 50 are considered imbeciles; and those who have an IQ between 51 and 70 are considered morons.
a retard
A few problems arose. 

a benefactor & a beneficiary 
Benefactors give benefits; beneficiaries receive them.
He is my benefactor.
benevolent 親切な、善意ある
benefactor 後援者、寄付する人
beneficial 【形】 都合が良い、役に立つ、有益な
beneficiary 恩恵を受ける人、受益者
ben = good
mal = bad
malevolent 【形】 悪意のある、邪悪な、害悪を及ぼす

malware マルウェア、悪意のあるソフトウェア、破壊工作ソフト
blacksmith 鍛冶屋、蹄鉄工、鍛冶工
a wordsmith 
a gunsmith
a locksmith
charitable = generous 
charitable 気前が良い、物惜しみしない

Saturday, January 18, 2014

(会員) Jan. 17, 2014 Crying Words - Mixed

1. to cry
He cried. 
He wept. 
He sobbed. 
He is an s.o.b.
Don't cry.
涙 a tear 
Dry your tears. 
I heard a cry.
She started crying. 
Here come the waterworks. 
I couldn't stop crying. 
He was sad, so he cried.

to tear up 
He teared up.
to well up 湧き上がる
His eyes welled up.
to wail うめき声を上げる、声を出して泣く 
鯨 whale
I heard the wail of an ambulance.
That movie made me cry.
That movie made me cry.
He cried with happiness.
He cried in fear.
He cried in shock.
He let out a cry in shock.
He wept for joy. He wept with envy. 
He cried over his dead cat.
He cried tears of joy.
He cried with happiness.
He cried out in pain/shock/fear.
a cry baby 
He cried wolf.
She cried wolf too often.
Don't cry over spilt milk. 
It is no use crying over spilt milk. 済んだことを悔やんでも仕方がない。

悔やんでも返らぬことだ. = It's no use crying over spilt milk. 

He cried like a baby.

He cried like a baby.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

(会員) Jan. 14, 2014 Laughing words - Mixed

(会員) Jan. 14, 2014 Laughing words - Mixed
笑う laugh
lol = laugh out loud
lmao = laughing my ass off
roflmao = rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

He laughed.
He laughed at me.
He laughed with me.
That's a laugh.  = That's a joke. = That's stupid.

He is a joke.
My company is a joke.
Proverb: Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone.
Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone.

It's funny. It's hilarious.
giggle クスクス笑う、クックッと笑う
I giggled. I lol'd.

That was so funny. I was on the floor.
He was so funny! He had me on the floor.
He guffawed.
He laughed uncontrollably.
He was howling.
He was howling in pain.
He was howling in laughter.
a belly laugh

The audience roared in laughter.
a cynical laugh = to snicker
He snickered.
He sniggered.

Monday, January 13, 2014

(会員) Jan. 13, 2014 Like father, like son - MIXED

(会員) Jan. 13, 2014 Like father, like son - MIXED
Like father, like son. =〔父子について〕蛙の子は蛙。/この親にしてこの子あり。/親が親なら子も子。
Like mother, like daughter.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. =子は親に似るもの。/カエルの子はカエル。

to look like sb
You look like your father.
You and your father look alike.
You remind me of your father.
You are the spitting image of your father.
You and your father are like 2 peas in a pod.
You have your father's eyes.
You have your father's chin.
You have your father's musical ability.
You have your father's sense of humor.
You have your father's ~.
You have your father's ~ ability.
You have your father's gift for ~.
You are the spitting image of your father.
You are your father's clone.
You are your father's twin.
an identical twin / a fraternal twin
an identical twin     一卵性(の)双生児の片方
fraternal twin    二卵性双生児の片方
You're a chip off the old block.
You and your father are cut from the same cloth.
Kurosawa and Spielberg were cut from the same cloth.
(A) and (B) cut from the same cloth.
We're cut from the same cloth. = 私たちは似た者同士です。
You're your father's double.
doppelganger 【名】      〈ドイツ語〉ドッペルゲンガー、本人の分身、生き霊
You're your father's doppelganger.
(A) takes after (B).
take after    ~に似ている
You take after your father.
You take after your mother.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

(会員) Jan. 12, 2014 Looking back at the past...part 2

(会員) Jan. 12, 2014 Looking back at the past...part 2
Tomorrow is coming of age day.
1. I used to…
I used to live in NYC.
I used to read comic books.
I used to hate umeboshi.
I used to not like umeboshi.

I got used to Japanese food.
I am used to the cold.

accustomed to NOUN = be used to NOUN

2. I would…
When I was a boy I would walk 30 minutes to school.

3. When I was a boy/girl…
When I was a boy I was fat.

4. In my day….
In my day people didn't have the Internet.

5. Back in the day, I used to….
Back in the day, we used to…

6. Old school = 形容詞 classic, traditional

7. classic

8. Time flies when you're having fun.

9. I wish I could turn back the hands of time.

10. I wish I could go back in time.
If I could go back in time I would do things differently.

11. Time heals all wounds.

12. Again and again….
I was late again and again.
Over and over….
Time and time again…

13. I did a stint as …..
I did a stint in …..
I did a stint as a taxi driver.
I did a stint in jail.
I did a stint in army.
He did a 7 year stint in the pen.
penitentiary 刑務所

a long, long time ago
once upon a time
in olden days / in days of old
long, long ago

(会員) Looking back at the past... Jan. 9, 2014

(会員) Looking back at the past...
Thursday, Jan. 9th, 2014
I think I'm coming down with a cold,
or maybe I just have the sniffles.
I have the sniffles.
When I was in high school, I was fat.
I was fat when I was in high school.
In high school, I was fat.
I was fat in high school.
When I was a high school student, I was fat.
I was fat when I was a high school student.
In my high school days, I was fat.
I was fat in my high school days.

In my youth I was fat.
When I was a little boy/girl I was a bit fat.
When I was at Toyota, I would get up at 6am every day.
I used to … VERB.
I used to hate/love/like ~.
I would get up at 6am every day.
I used to get up at 6am every day.
I would hate getting up at 6am every day.
a) I used to get up at 6am every day, and I hated doing that.
b) I don't get up at 6am every day now, but if I did I would be very unhappy about it.
I used to be 形容詞。
I used to be fat.
I used to be 名詞。
I used to be a student.
I'm allergic to pollen.
When I was younger I was not allergic to pollen.
I used to not be allergic to pollen.
to live in the past
He lives in the past.
Stop living in the past.
You have to stop living in the past.
Let go of the past.
You have to let go of the past.
Proverb 諺
Time heals all things.
Time heals all wounds.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

(公開) Happy New Year Lesson!

What is your New Year's Resolution?
I have many bad habits. 
I've decided to turn over a new leaf.

Usually people want to lose weight, get in shape or get organized.

What are the top 10 most popular New Year's Resolutions this year?
10. I want to fall in love.
I think that's extremely difficult.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I saw a puppy in the window. It was love at first sight!
9. I want to quit smoking. 
I want to quit drinking.
Smoking and drinking are both addictions.
I'm addicted to playing video games.
I want to overcome my addiction.

8. I want to learn how to speak a new language.
I want to learn how to speak English.
I want to pick up a new language.
I want to learn something new.
I am out of practice.
7. I want to have an adventure. 
I want to do something crazy.
I want to go skydiving.
I want to go bungee jumping. 
therapeutic = healing

6. I want to save the planet.
unrealistic = not feasible = impossible

5. I want to eat healthier.
I want to eat better.
It's healthy. It's good for you. 
X It's good for health.

4. I want to spend more time with my family and friends.
3. I want to exercise more. I want to get in shape.  
X I want to lose my weight. 
O I want to lose weight. 
O I want to lose 5 kilograms. 
I want shed some weight. 
I want to drop some weight. 

2. I want to smile more and be friendlier to people.

1. I want to control my spending. 
I want to stick to a budget. 
I want to live within my means.
He lives beyond his means.

I am going to hit the sack.  

Monday, January 6, 2014

(会員) Happy New Year Lesson! (MEMBERS ONLY!)

(会員) Happy New Year Lesson!

Happy 2014!
twenty - fourteen
What's your New Year's Resolution?
I'm going to lose weight.
10. I'm going to fall in love.
9. I'm going to overcome my addiction.
8. I'm going to learn something new
7. I'm going to do something crazy!
therapeutic effect 治療効果
6. I'm going to help save the planet.
That's a bit unrealistic.
unrealistic = 非現実的な、実感が湧かない、ピンとこない
5. I'm going to eat healthier food.
That's doable.
4. I'm going to spend more time with family and friends.
The night is still young.
3. I'm going to exercise more.
My muscles are sore.
2. I'm going to smile more and be kinder to people.
We are reciprocal creatures.
1. I'm going to live within my means.
Tom lives beyond his means, but Joe lives within his means.
サラきん  loan shark
I can't keep my resolution.
I am sticking to my resolution.
I broke my resolution.
to turn over a new leaf
I decided to turn over a new leaf.

I referred to this video today:
Top 10 New Years Resolutions 2014