Saturday, January 18, 2014

(会員) Jan. 17, 2014 Crying Words - Mixed

1. to cry
He cried. 
He wept. 
He sobbed. 
He is an s.o.b.
Don't cry.
涙 a tear 
Dry your tears. 
I heard a cry.
She started crying. 
Here come the waterworks. 
I couldn't stop crying. 
He was sad, so he cried.

to tear up 
He teared up.
to well up 湧き上がる
His eyes welled up.
to wail うめき声を上げる、声を出して泣く 
鯨 whale
I heard the wail of an ambulance.
That movie made me cry.
That movie made me cry.
He cried with happiness.
He cried in fear.
He cried in shock.
He let out a cry in shock.
He wept for joy. He wept with envy. 
He cried over his dead cat.
He cried tears of joy.
He cried with happiness.
He cried out in pain/shock/fear.
a cry baby 
He cried wolf.
She cried wolf too often.
Don't cry over spilt milk. 
It is no use crying over spilt milk. 済んだことを悔やんでも仕方がない。

悔やんでも返らぬことだ. = It's no use crying over spilt milk. 

He cried like a baby.

He cried like a baby.

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