Monday, January 13, 2014

(会員) Jan. 13, 2014 Like father, like son - MIXED

(会員) Jan. 13, 2014 Like father, like son - MIXED
Like father, like son. =〔父子について〕蛙の子は蛙。/この親にしてこの子あり。/親が親なら子も子。
Like mother, like daughter.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. =子は親に似るもの。/カエルの子はカエル。

to look like sb
You look like your father.
You and your father look alike.
You remind me of your father.
You are the spitting image of your father.
You and your father are like 2 peas in a pod.
You have your father's eyes.
You have your father's chin.
You have your father's musical ability.
You have your father's sense of humor.
You have your father's ~.
You have your father's ~ ability.
You have your father's gift for ~.
You are the spitting image of your father.
You are your father's clone.
You are your father's twin.
an identical twin / a fraternal twin
an identical twin     一卵性(の)双生児の片方
fraternal twin    二卵性双生児の片方
You're a chip off the old block.
You and your father are cut from the same cloth.
Kurosawa and Spielberg were cut from the same cloth.
(A) and (B) cut from the same cloth.
We're cut from the same cloth. = 私たちは似た者同士です。
You're your father's double.
doppelganger 【名】      〈ドイツ語〉ドッペルゲンガー、本人の分身、生き霊
You're your father's doppelganger.
(A) takes after (B).
take after    ~に似ている
You take after your father.
You take after your mother.

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