Tuesday, February 11, 2014

(会員) Feb. 10, 2014 - RANDOM SLANG!

(会員) Feb. 10, 2014 - RANDOM SLANG!
1. a doctor = a doc = a sawbones

2. a bad doctor = a quack

3. a lawyer = an attorney (not slang)

4. a bad lawyer = an ambulance chaser

5. a bad actor = a ham

6. to be fired = to get laid off, to get sacked, to be let go, to get the ax

7. cool = 格好いい, OK, nonchalant, fashionable, we are not enemies now
Are we cool?
That was not cool, man!

Are we cool? = Our previous argument is finished.

Stay cool! = Don't lose your temper!

Cool! Kewl!

a nerd, a geek, a dweeb, a dork, an egghead, a squid, He is booksmart. He is streetsmart.

That's disturbing. = That's creepy.

A cute way to say "gross" is "grody".

He is ugly. = He has a face only a mother could love.
a face only a mother could love    生みの親だけが愛する(ひどい)顔、醜い顔

最悪、 最低 = That sucks! That stinks! That's lame!
That's a lame excuse!

a lame duck = a president with no power because he will not be reelected

lame-duck president
《a ~》〈米〉今期限りで[任期満了とともに]職を退く大統領
He gave into peer pressure.

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