Thursday, February 27, 2014

(会員) Feb. 17, 2014 - How do you say that in English? Vocabulary (Mixed)

(会員) Feb. 17, 2014 - How do you say that in English? Vocabulary (Mixed)
1. 社会
I study social studies.

I study sociology.


2. 密度 = density
dense = 形容詞

He is dense.  Don't be dense.

3. 耕地 = land that you can grow crops on
arable land

4. 寿命 = life-span, longevity
The average life-span of Japanese is gradually getting longer.

5. 暮らし=living
What do you do for a living?

6. 生活水準 = standard of living
Are you satisfied with your standard of living?
Things could be better.

7. 余暇 = leisure, leisure time, time-off

8. 核家族 = a nuclear family

I have trouble finding time for myself.

8. 国勢調査 = a national census

9世帯 = a household
世帯主 = the head of a family/household, the head of the house
Who is the head of the house?
Who wears the pants in your house?

10. 若者 = youth, young people, the youth
You're a punk.

11. 子育て = raising children
(formal) child-rearing
juvenile = 形容詞 for young people

a juvenile delinquent

juvenile delinquent非行少年、青少年犯罪者、不良少年、未成年非行者

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