Tuesday, February 11, 2014

(会員) Jan. 30, 2014 - REVIEW! - Part 2 of 2

(会員) Jan. 30, 2014 - REVIEW! - Part 2 of 2
You are the spitting image of your father.
You are the spitting image of ~.

You have your father's eyes.
You have your father's ~.
You're a chip off the old block. 
You're SOMEBODY's doppelganger.
You take after your father.
You take after your older brother.

That's a laugh.  = That's a joke. = That's stupid.

My company is a joke.

It's funny. It's hilarious.
giggle クスクス笑う、クックッと笑う
He sobbed.
to well up 湧き上がる
His eyes welled up.
He shed tears of happiness.
He cried with happiness.
Don't cry over spilt milk.
It is no use crying over spilt milk. 済んだことを悔やんでも仕方がない。
悔やんでも返らぬことだ. = It's no use crying over spilt milk.


I'm depressed.
He's clinically depressed.

He's insane.  He's clinically insane.
He's obese.  He's clinically obese.
ben = good
mal = bad

beneficiary 恩恵を受ける人、受益者

benefactor 後援者、寄付する人
malevolent 【形】 悪意のある、邪悪な、害悪を及ぼす
malware マルウェア、悪意のあるソフトウェア、破壊工作ソフト
demented = crazy

naive = too inexperienced and so they have wrong ideas

to deceive = だます = to fool = to trick
How do you manage to do that?

marijuana = pot, weed, grass
legal <--> illegal = 違反、違法

over-the-counter drug〈米〉〔薬局で自由に買える〕市販[店頭]薬

to legalize st = to make it OK to do
I'm addicted to ....
I'm addicted to ....

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