Tuesday, February 11, 2014

(会員) Feb. 5, 2014 - 英語で何と言おうか言葉に詰まって

(会員) Feb. 5, 2014 - 英語で何と言おうか言葉に詰まって 

~いくら ても

No matter how much I sleep I'm still sleepy.
No matter how much I eat I'm stil hungry.
No matter how much I exercise I am still fat.
No matter how much I exercise I can't manage to lose weight.
No matter how much I exercise I can't seem to lose weight.
No matter how much I study I just can't seem to get good grades on my tests.

I think I figured out what that song means.
I think I understand the meaning of the song.
I understand what that song means in a way.
I think I get the gist of that song.
gist  主旨、要点、要項、骨子

When in the heck does he sleep?
When the heck/Hell/Fuck…
When in the Hell does he sleep?

When in the Fuck does he sleep?
When in God's name does he sleep?
When on earth do you sleep?
When in Sam Hill do you sleep?
 Sam Hill 〈米俗〉地獄◆hellの婉曲表現。
Where the Sam Hill are you? : 一体全体どこにいるの?
Who in Sam Hill are you? : おまえは一体誰だ?
What the Sam Hill is that for? : それは一体何のためだ?

Once she starts laughing she can't seem to stop.
Once I wake up, I can't fall back asleep.
to go back to sleep, to fall back asleep
一般的に言えば generally speaking
Basically, …
X Japan is a safety country?
O Japan is a safe country.

On top of ~, ~.
On top of having my wallet stolen yesterday, I also got soaked in the rain.
Not only did I get my wallet stolen yesterday, I also got stuck in the rain.

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