Tuesday, February 11, 2014

(会員) Feb. 4, 2014 - Talking about WINTER!

(会員) Feb. 4, 2014 - Talking about WINTER!
1a. in the dead of winter = in the middle of winter
1b. in the dead of night = in the middle of night

2. She's cold.
She is as cold as ice.

3. I caught a cold.
古い I caught cold.

4. I'm getting cold feet.
He is supposed to get married next week, but he's getting cold feet.

5. 諺 proverb: Cold hands, warm heart.

6. to give sb the cold shoulder
She gave me the cold shoulder.
give someone the cold shoulder =(人)に冷たい[よそよそしい]態度を取る

7. in a cold sweat
I had a nightmare and I woke up in a cold sweat.

8. You should take a cold shower. = You should calm down.

9. cold hard cash = real money

10. The sound of his name made my blood run cold.

11. to go cold turkey = to stop doing something completely, especially st you are addicted.
I quit…. cold turkey.

12. in cold blood

Two teenage girls were murdered in cold blood last week near here.二人の10代の少女は、先週この近くで、無残にも殺された。

 killed in cold blood 《be ~》冷酷に殺害される


13. He knocked Joe out cold.

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