Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - Feb. 9, 2011

Advanced Class
Translation Practice

1. その手は食わないよ。
You can’t fool me. (with that.)
I won’t be taken in like that.
I’m not falling for that.
I’m not buying that.

He bought it.
He swallowed my story, hook, line, and sinker.

2. それなら話は別だよ。
If that’s the case, then that’s another story.
If so, then that’s another story.
In that case, I’ll change my mind.

Time out for useful expression:
If you are late again, I'll have to fire you.
If you are late again, I'm going to have to fire you.
Don’t be late again. Don’t make me fire you.
Don’t be late again. Don’t force me to fire you.
If you are late again, I'll have no choice but to fire you.
If you .... I'll have no choice but to ....

If that’s the case, then I’ll have to change my mind.
If that’s the case, then it’s an entirely different story.

3. 鋭いね。
(You are) very perceptive.
You’re sharp.
You have a good eye.

4. 海外に比べ、日本は映画代が高いのであまり行かない。
Compared to other countries, movies in Japan are expensive so I don’t often [(go) see them/go to the movies].

5. レンタルビデオがあるので、映画はあまり観ない。
We have DVD rental stores so we don’t often go to the movies.
I rent videos so don’t go to the movies.

6. 映画の時間が決められているので、スケジュールに合わないと行けない。
Because movies are shown at scheduled times, I have to arrange my schedule to see them.
I have to make time to see them.

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