Friday, February 25, 2011

Nico NIco - Feb. 25, 2011

This is the best place in the world.
world --> were uld

I did my due diligence.

There is a bug going around.
bug = insect = 虫

bug = virus
The flu is going around.
There is a rumor going around that....
There is a rumor going around that Obama was not born in the USA.
to suffer= 苦労する
He is suffering from cancer.
He suffers from cancer.

The earthquake hit.

The bank robbers hit the bank.
The criminals hit the bank.
I need to hit the bank after class.
He hit on me.

My father picked up my mother at a bar.

He hit on her at the bar.

harmless flirting

Going to the cake buffet is my guilty pleasure.
He was found guilty.
guilty=有罪, うしろめたい

It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ....=I will never....

When Hell freezes over.=Never.

Students requested the following lessons.

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