Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nico Nico Douga - July 20, 2011 Intermediate to Advanced Class

Intermediate to Advanced Class
Nico Nico Douga - Intermediate to Advanced Class - July 20, 2011
We'll be studying this!
Intermediate to Advanced Class
Sports Idioms:
1. to be in the same league as sb = at the same level as someone or something
Our soccer team is not in the same league at the opposition team.

2. to be out of someone’s league = to not be at the same level as someone
She is out of your league, man!

3. at this stage of the game = now
It's too early to say anything at this stage in the game.
I think it's too late at this stage in the game to cancel the party.

4. to bounce st off sb = to test someone's reaction to an idea (when a ball is thrown against a wall it bounces back to the thrower)
Let me bounce something off you! = I want to know what you think of my idea.
I bounced my movie idea off a few friends.

5. to call the shots = to control something, to make the rules
My friend has been calling the shots in his company for several years now.
Who calls the shots here? I call the shots!

6. to get the ball rolling = to begin/start something
We plan to start immediately and get the ball rolling on our project.

7. keep one's eye on the ball = to concentrate, to focus, to remain alert, to keep one's attention focused on the ball or on the matter at hand
We tried to keep our eye on the ball during the meeting.

8. level playing field = a situation where everyone has an equal chance of success
We were able to achieve a level playing field with the other schools with our new coaching staff.

9. make the cut = to meet or reach a required standard
The young player did not make the cut and was not able to join the team.

10. to miss the cut = to fail to meet or reach a required standard
She got past the 2nd interview but in the end she missed the cut.
I didn't make the cut.= I missed the cut.

Did up to this point. The rest will be covered in future videos.

11. kick off (something) or kick (something) off = to begin something, to start something, to kick the ball and start the game in American football
The school will kick off the campaign to get more students by offering everyone who joins an iPad next month.

12. to meet one's match = to encounter one's equal
I used to think I was the best but I think I met my match. He's better than me!

13. to move the goalposts = to unfairly change the conditions or rules of something that you are doing
Although we followed the rules when applying for the license, the government officials moved the goalposts and our application was rejected.

14. odds are against (someone) = there is little chance that someone will succeed
The odds of him being able to beat cancer were against him, but he did it anyway.

15. to be off to a running start = starting something with a good fast beginning
A: How's work?
B: I'm off to a running start.

16. to be out of the running = eliminated from a contest, no longer being considered for something
I had really wanted to win, but I think I'm out of the running.

17. play ball with (someone) = to cooperate with someone
The politician was offered large bribes to give the contracts to his company, but he refused to play ball.

18. to play by the rules = to follow the generally accepted rules of something
Be careful when you do business with him. He doesn't always play by the rules.

19. to play-by-play (description) = a detailed description of a sports event as it is taking place
Gimme a play-by-play of what happened.

20. to rally around (someone or something) = to join together to support someone or something
The Japanese people rallied around the soccer team when they went up against the U.S.

21. to run with (something) = to implement something, to do st with st, to act on st
My took your idea and ran with it.

22. to tackle a problem = to attack a problem with much effort
All of the members of the sales team gathered to tackle the problem of decreasing sales.

23. to take one's eye off the ball = to fail to keep one's attention focused on the ball or on the matter at hand
If you take your eye off the ball for even a second my kids are sure to get into some kind of trouble.

24. a team player = someone who works well with others to achieve some goal
She's is a team player and works well with the other employees.

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