Thursday, July 21, 2011

ニコニコ動画 July 21 2011年 MIXED CLASS

Nico Nico Douga - July 21, 2011


Telephone: Can I come over?
Can you come to my party?

Easy Questions:
1. What is my hat made ~?
2. Excuse me, I'm ~. Can you tell me how to ~ to Penn Station?
3. Excuse me, but can I ~ my seat? I don't like this chair.
5. Do you ~ this in a bigger size? = Do you ~ this in red?
6. I just got paid. Let me ~ you to dinner!
7. The rainy season is ~.

1. of
2. lost / get
3. change
4. take
5. have / have
6. take / treat
7. over

1. kick off (something) or kick (something) off = to begin something, to start something, to kick the ball and start the game in American football
The school will kick off the campaign to get more students by offering everyone who joins an iPad next month.

2. to meet one's match = to meet one's equal or better
I used to think I was the best but I think I met my match. He's better than me!

3. He is no match for you.=He is much weaker than you.
I'm no match for him! = He is much stronger than me.

4. to move the goalposts = to unfairly change the conditions or rules of something that you are doing
Although we followed the rules when applying for the license, the government officials moved the goalposts and our application was rejected.

5. odds are against (someone) = there is little chance that someone will succeed
The odds of him being able to beat cancer were against him, but he did it anyway.
The odds are against him winning the game/contest.

6. to be off to a running start = starting something with a good fast beginning
A: How's your new job?
B: I'm off to a [running/good/promising] start.


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