Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nico Nico - July 28, 2011 - 初級

July 28, 2011
I wish I could drink beer.
wish = impossible
hope = possible
I have a job interview tomorrow.
I ~ I get the job.
I wish she hadn’t met him.
I wish I had never met you. = I met you and I cannot change that.
I wish she had never met him. If she had never met him, he never would have killed her. If she had never met him, she would be alive today.
I ~ it were not raining now.

I ~ it does not rain tomorrow.

I wish you would shut up.
I wish you would stop talking.

I ~ I passed.
I hope I passed.

I got you a present/gift/shirt. I hope you like it.

A: Kiss me!
B You hope!
B2: You wish!

I disagree. = You wish.
I reject your suggestion. = You wish.
Keep dreaming. = I disagree.

A: Are you single.
B: I wish. = No, but I want that to be true.

A: Have you ever seen ARASHI in concert?
B: I wish.
I went to the beach.
I got some sun.
I got a sunburn.
I have a tan line on my shoulder.
I wore sunscreen.
I got a suntan, and now my skin is peeling.
I peeled a banana.
My skin has started peeling.
If I was rich, I would buy a house.
I am rich, so I will buy a house.
Would you mind if I sat here? = polite 丁寧
Would you mind if I asked you a question?
No, I wouldn’t. Go ahead.

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