Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nico Nico Douga Beginner's Class / 初心 - July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011
My room is muggy.
I like to travel.
I went on a trip.

1. How was your trip?

2. Where did you go?

Where did you go again?

3. When did you leave Japan?

4. When did you get back to Japan?

5. How was the food/weather/flight/hotel/shopping?

6. Did you buy anything interesting?

7. Did you eat anything interesting?

8. Did you meet anyone interesting?

9. Did you do anything interesting?

10. Did you have any problems?

11. How long was your flight?
How long is the flight?

12. What was the highlight of your trip?

13. Did you go on a package tour? / Was it a package tour?

14. How much was it? How much was the flight? ... if you don't mind me asking.

15. Would you recommend Thailand?
Bonus: It was dirt cheap!

Let's make sure we know how to use some basic verbs:

1. You look sick! You should ~ a doctor!

2. Do you ~ a temperature?

3. Do you ~ if I smoke?

4. Do you mind if I ~ a phone call?

5. I'm sorry, but he's not in right now. Would you like to ~ a message?

6. I just ~ some coffee. Would you like some?

7. Can I ~ you a cab?

8. I tried to ~ a reservation, but they were full.

9. I booked my flight to France this morning.

10. You look like you got some sun.

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