Monday, July 4, 2011

Nico Nico Basic - July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

Telephone English - Important Basic Phrases
1. Introduce yourself.
Hi, this is ~.
Hello, this is ~.
Hello, my name is ~.
Hello, my name is ~ and I’m calling from ~.
Hello, I’m calling regarding ~.
Hello, I’m calling regarding the advertisement in the paper.
Hi! I’m calling regarding the advertisement in the paper?
Hi! I’m calling regarding the ad in the paper?
Hi! I’m calling regarding the advert in the paper?
Hi! I’m calling regarding the job advert in the paper.
Hi! I’m calling regarding the wanted ad in the paper.
Hi! I’m calling to make a reservation.
Hi! I’d like to make a reservation.
Hi, this is Victor. Is Yukari in?

2. Ask for someone:
Hi/Hello, can I speak to ~?
Hi/Hello, may I speak to ~?
Is ~ there?
Hi/Hello, could I speak to ~, please?

3. If you are that person.
This is ~.
You got him. (casual)
You're talking to him. (casual)

I like to pretend I have a secretary.

4. If you are not that person.
Just a moment, please.
Hold on. (very casual)
May I ask who is calling?
I’m sorry, but she can’t come to the phone right now.
I’m sorry, but she out at the moment.
You just missed her.
Can I take a message?
Would you like to leave a message?

5. Leave a message:
Yes, could you ask her to call me?
Yes, could you ask her to call me back?
Yes, please have her call me.
Yes, please have her call me back.

Does she have your number?
Could I have your number, please.

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