Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Nico Nico Douga Mixed Class: Homestay Questions

You will be asked...
1. When did you get to (COUNTRY)?
2. How was your trip/flight?
--> It was long/good/nice/bumpy.
It was crowded.
I couldn't sleep at all.
3. Would you like to go shopping?
Would you like me to take you shopping?
4. I’m going to the store. Do you need anything?
4. Do you want/need anything from the store?
5. Did you sleep well / OK / alright?
6. How did you sleep?
--> I slept like a log / baby.
6. Is there anything you cannot eat?
7. Are you allergic to anything?
Do you have any allergies.
-->I’m allergic to ~.
8. How do you like (COUNTRY) so far?
9. How does the weather here compare to the weather back home?
10. How does the food here compare to the food back home?
How does the food here compare to the food back in Japan?
11. Are you homesick?
12. Let me know if you need anything.
You may want to say or ask...
1. Thank you so much for being my homestay family!
2. I'm very happy to be here.
I'm so happy to be here.
It’s a pleasure to be here.
It’s wonderful to be here.

3. It's good/great to meet you all!
It's an honor to meet you.
I’m honored to meet you.
4. I'll try my best not to be too much trouble.
I'll do my best not to be too much trouble.
I'll do my best not to trouble you.

5. I'm sorry, but what was your name again?
6. Could you speak more slowly, please.
7. Could you repeat that?
Could you say that again?

8. I'm sorry. I don't understand.
9. Where is the restroom? / Where is the restroom again?
10. Is this for me?
11. Thank you so much!
12. This is too much!
13. I've brought you a small present.
14. I've brought you a few presents.
15. I'm sorry to ask you to do this, but could you drive me into town?
...could you take me into town?
...could you give me a lift into town?
16. I'm sorry to ask you to do this, but could you take me to the pharmacy?
17. I'm sorry to wake you, but I need to go to the hospital.

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