Wednesday, November 30, 2011



Have you seen “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” yet?
a) No, not yet.
b) I haven't had a chance yet.
c) Actually, I'm not really interested in seeing that movie.

Today we're going to learn a bunch monkey related idioms.
Most basic:
1. to monkey around: to play or waste time, to not do one's work.
Stop monkeying around!
There are many ways to say "monkey around"
to monkey around
to horse around
to fool around
to mess around
These are all safe: "monkey, horse, mess."
"to screw around"
"to fuck around" = is dangerous.

more fun than a
If something is really funny or lots of fun we say, "It's more fun than a ~ of monkeys."
He is more than a barrel of monkeys.
to make a monkey (out) of someone= to make a fool out of someone=to make someone look bad/stupid
to make someone look foolish. John made a monkey out of himself at the party.
Are you trying to make a monkey out of me?
monkey (around) with someone or something: to bother or interfere with someone or something. Come on, don't monkey with my new camera.

monkey business=funny business
That's enough monkey business.
No more monkey business.
silliness; dishonest tricks. That's enough monkey business. Now, settle down. Stop the monkey business. This is serious!

Proverb: Monkey ~, monkey ~.
Monkey see, monkey do.
We say this when we see someone do the same thing another person does, especially kids.

monkey suit: a regular suit
a tuxedo or a black suit.
I hate wearing this monkey suit.

to throw a monkey wrench in the works=to do something that ruins a plan

I hate to throw a monkey wrench in the picnic plans, but it's going to rain tomorrow.
a monkey on somebody's back
a serious problem that will not go away, like an addiction
His drinking problem is like a monkey on his back.

I'll be a monkey's uncle! (old-fashioned)
something that you say when you are very surprised Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. I never thought Bill would remarry.

make a monkey (out) of somebody (old-fashioned)
to make someone seem stupid That's enough of your silly tricks. Nobody makes a monkey out of me!

monkey business (slightly informal)
silly behaviour or dishonest behaviour So what kind of monkey business have you kids been up to while I was out? The tax inspectors discovered that there had been some monkey business with the accounts.

a monkey on your back
a serious problem that you cannot forget When you know you have to do everything perfectly, it puts a giant monkey on your back.
Usage notes: also used in the form get the monkey off your back (to end a problem): By winning the championship, this team has finally got the monkey off its back.

monkey (around) with something
to adjust something It seems like any time they monkey with taxes, wealthy people benefit the most.

I'll be a monkey's uncle!
Fig. I am amazed! A: I just won $500,000 in the lottery! B: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!

go ape (informal) also go apeshit (taboo!)
to become very angry Vicky'll go ape when she sees this mess

800 lb gorilla (in the room)=the unstoppable force in the room

Ex: Toyota is the 800 lb gorilla in the car industry.

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