Tuesday, November 29, 2011

(会員)11月14日 生放送録画

Nico Nico Douga - Nov. 14, 2011 初級

Present tense is used for:
-habit 習慣
Ex: I play tennis.

Ex: I like....
I like tebasaki.
I think...
I think Johnny Depp is cool.

-something that is always true
Ex: I am very very very very modest.
Ex: I live in Nagoya., I work for Action!

-to tell a dream, especially a recurring dream

• I live in Tokyo.
• I live in Japan.
• The Yamanote Line goes around in a circle.
• Yuki drives a Toyota.
• She does not ride a motorcycle.
• I see the dentist twice a year.
• I watch TV every night.
• We do not work Sundays.
• Do you play the piano.

We also use it with auxiliary verbs:
auxiliary verb=《文法》助動詞
• I can swim. / I can't swim.
• I should study more.
• I have to go.
• You must be tired.
• I need to lose weight.

It's also used with to order people or ask people to do something!
Shut up!
Come here!
Help me!
Kiss me!
FUTURE & to show INTENTION! (意思)
I will VERB.
I just decided now.
I'll take it.

A: You should come to my party next week.
B: OK, I will.

I will lose weight!

I’m going to VERB.

a) I will buy a new computer.
b) I'm going to buy a new computer.
c) I'm buying a new computer.

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