Wednesday, November 30, 2011

(会員)11月30日 英会話ライブレッスン録画

Nico Nico Douga - Nov. 30th, 2011 Class

Watch the video as you study with us!

A) to decide / decision

1. I decided ~ buy a new car.

2. I decided ~ a Toyota.

3. I am not going to move. = I decided ~ moving.

4. I have 2 choices, A or B. I have to decide ~ A and B.

5. I decided. = I ~ a decision.
to decide + verb
to decide on + noun
to decide against + noun
to decide between A and B, to decide between 2 choices
to make a decision

6. I don't like my decision. = I ~ my decision.
to regret a decision

7. I can't decide. Can you decide ~ me?
to decide for sb

8. I (finally) ~ to a decision. = I (finally) decided.

9. I finally ~ at a decision. = I finally decided.
B) Other ways to say 決める:
1. I ~ up my mind.
2. I decided A, but now I want B. = I ~ my mind.
3. I can't answer now. Let me ~ about it.
4. I need some more time. I'll tell you tomorrow. Let me ~ on it.
5. We don't have to decide now. Let's just ~ it by ~.
Let's see what happens.
Let's cross that bridge when we come to it.
C) Translation practice:
1. 決めるまでもうちょっと待ってください。
2. 決める前に慎重に考えて。
3. する?しない?どっち?

A) 1. to, 2. on, 3. against, 4. between, 5. made, 6. regret, 7. for, 8. came, 9. arrived

B) 1. made, 2. made up, 3. think, 4. sleep on, 5. play / ear

C) 1. I need a few more minutes to decide.
1. I need a little more minutes to decide.
2. Think hard/twice/carefully before you decide.
Think carefully/hard/twice before deciding.
3. Are you in or out?
4. I was between a rock and a hard spot [place].

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